Forget-Her-Nots by Amy Brecount White

Book: Forget-Her-Nots by Amy Brecount White

Release date: March 2, 2010
Number of pages: 384 pages
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
From: Publisher
When someone leaves three mystery flowers outside her dorm door, Laurel thinks that maybe the Avondale School isn’t so awful after all — until her own body starts to freak out. In the middle of her English presentation on the Victorian Language of Flowers, strange words pop into her head, and her body seems to tingle and hum. Impulsively, Laurel gives the love bouquet she made to demonstrate the language to her spinster English teacher. When that teacher unexpectedly and immediately finds romance, Laurel suspects that something — something magical — is up. With her new friend, Kate, she sets out to discover the origins and breadth of her powers by experimenting on herself and others. But she can’t seem to find any living experts in the field of flower powers to guide her. And her bouquets don’t always do her bidding, especially when it comes to her own crush, Justin. Rumors about Laurel and her flowers fly across campus, and she’s soon besieged by requests from girls — both friends and enemies — who want their lives magically transformed — just in time for prom.
I hate to say this but I did not like Forget-Her-Nots. For some reason I never got into the story and I found myself reading the book just to get it over with. From the reviews I have read, I seem to be the only one who didn’t completely enjoy Amy Brecount White’s debut novel.
Laurel Whelan loves flowers. She always helped her mom in her garden and now that her mom is gone, she makes do with the flowers at her school, Avondale. Not only is she good with flowers, she seems to make magic with them. When word gets around school about her magic flowers, everybody wants them. Will Laurel use her gift wisely or will it go to her head?
I guess, for starters, I didn’t particularly like Laurel. She didn’t seem to have much of a personality. She didn’t make many friends and the ones that she did make, she ignored a lot of the time. Laurel was kind of obsessed with flowers and I have never really been into flowers so I couldn’t relate. She annoyed me most of the book.
The plot wasn’t bad but I didn’t like the characters enough to care much about the rest of the book. I couldn’t get into the story so I gave up with it. It had some good things, like the writing, but it wasn’t a book for me.
Overall, I didn’t like Forget-Her-Nots but that doesn’t mean other people won’t. If it sounds like something you would like, give it a shot. I still plan on reading whatever else Amy Brecount White writes in the future! =]
Writing: 8/10
Characters: 6/10
Plot: 6/10
Ending: 8/10
Originality: 9/10
Overall: 37/50=C
Cover: 8/10=B-
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