And Then I Found Out The Truth by Jennifer Sturman

Book:  And Then I Found Out The Truth
Author:  Jennifer Sturman
Published:  July 1, 2010 from Point
My edition/number of pages:  ARC/262

Age group:  Young adult
Source:  Publisher
Series?:  Yes. Second book.

Delia Truesdale is still searching for the truth about her mother, who is in hiding somewhere in South America. But for now, Delia has to make do with her mystery-solving in New York City, alongside her Aunt Charley (a downtown hipster), her Aunt Patience(an uptown ice queen), a detective with a questionable taste in neckties, an eccentric psychic, her brainiac friend, and Quinn, the wealthy, gorgeous boy who–gasp!– seems to return Delia’s affections. Too bad Quinn’s shady CEO dad may be involved in the scheme Delia is trying to crack. And a trip to South America may be in order after all…

SPOILERS:  If you haven’t read the first book, this review will contain spoilers.

And Then I Found Out The Truth was a fabulous sequel to And Then Everything Unraveled.   The story picks up right where the first book left off and I loved reading more about the characters from the first book.  If I thought they were good in the first book, I thought they were great in this one.

Delia Truesdale now knows that her mother is in fact alive.  She even knows where she is.  Too bad she can’t do anything about it because the people who want her mother dead are still out there.  Whats even worse is that now they want Delia out of the way too.  Surviving high school in a new city with a new love interest is bad enough without murderers trying to hunt you down.  It doesn’t seem like things could possibly get any worse until Delia finds out that her sort-of boyfriend’s dad is one of the murderers.

I loved And Then I Found Out The Truth.  Maybe not as much as the first book but I still really enjoyed it.  I felt that it took a little too long to get to the action but once it picked up there was no setting it down.  It seemed like everything that could go wrong did and it was actually pretty comical.  The subplots were also really good and helped entertain me.

Like I said, the characters definitely improved with this book.  Delia grew up a little bit and she took matters into her own hands which I liked.  The way she did it wasn’t very smart but I still liked that she did it.  Quinn seemed to be a little more mysterious in this book but there were parts where his sweet side showed through.  Those were the best parts.  Neither of those two were the funniest though.  Charley definitely won that award, along with Dieter.  Together, those two made me laugh so much.  They lightened the mood of the book a ton.

Overall, And Then I Found Out The Truth was a good ending to this mystery.  Everything was neatly tied up and I generally liked how it ended.  I hope Jennifer Sturman has many more YA books in the plans for the future.

First line:  “Seriously?” said Natalie.  “A fourty-four?”

Writing:  5

Characters:  4

Plot:  4

Ending:  5

Originality:  4

Overall:  22=B+

Cover: 5=A++ (I love how bright it is!)

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  1. Wonderful review! I saw that you are a part of the Debut Author Challenge! That is so amazing that you are supporting debut authors and I only recently found out that I am going to be one!!! I wanted to ask if you wouldn’t mind heading over to my blog and giving me your opinion. As a blogger turned author I would really appreciate it and the publisher is still giving out ARCs so you might have a chance at a free copy! Thank you and I hope you will stop by and check out The Thirteenth Chime!

    Emma Michaels

    P.S.- My release date if Friday the 13th (August this year) isn’t that crazy?