BEA Book Haul

Book Haul is a weekly feature here on Katie’s Book Blog.  It is not something I created and I take no credit for it.  Anyone who wants to participate can and you don’t necessarily have to call it a book haul. It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.

So that is everything. I thought the video would never end.  I did not count so I have no idea how many books I got but yes I do know it’s a lot.  If you want to know more about any specific book feel free to comment or email.  This is both BEA and the past two weeks of books in the mail.
What book would you like me to read and review first?
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  1. WOAH.

    These should keep you busy for a while! Honestly, there were so many wonderful books there. I’d really like to see what you think of THE FAERIE RING by Kiki Hamilton. Honestly though, I think I would be fine with pretty much any of those. Happy reading!

  2. YAY Katie!!!!! I told you I would watch 😉 That was an amazing stack (and stack and stack and stack and stack….lol) of books!! So many great ones that I can’t wait to see your review for!
    A.S. King’s for sure! I <3 her 🙂

  3. WOW. You got sooo many books! I am soo jealous.

    But. I can’t believe you read my book when you’ve got all of these. Thanks a bunch, Katie!

    By the way, you look pretty *blushes* 🙂

  4. Ok I see why you are on a book buying ban lol. We got some of the same bea books. But you got some I couldn’t (I sadly missed harlequin teen signing). Enjoy all your books and if you are having a hard time choosing I have read already fateful, between the sea and sky, and darker still and all were really good. Reading shatter me now but slowly cause I am sick with a bad cold blah.

  5. I too hate the cover for After Obsession…it looks very self pubbed. You got soooo many books, you will have to just read for the rest of the year…maybe you can eat in there too sometime. I love that more books are having illustrations in them, even if they are sparse. Tris & Izzie looks amazing! Can’t wait to see what you think of that one. I have that same lunchbox! Super Happy Reading!

  6. So jealous. I was fine for the first minute, but then you drew out the real ammo: Jessica Rules the Dark Side. And I braced myself for what was next.
    Then came Perfect. Ellen Hopkins!
    I have to agree about Youngbloods. I had to keep double-checking to make sure it was YA.
    Enjoy the Iron Queen! I loved it! It’s incredible. So jealous yours is signed!
    Witch Eyes! Bookmark! Awesomeness!
    Twisted! (Still haven’t read the second one…XD)
    Fox Inheritance! Jealous!
    I have a passion for Passion. (I also have a passion for cheeziness.)
    Scorpio Races=wantwantwant also!
    “If I Die” sounds like “If I Stay” and “Before I Fall”
    The Original Sin is jealousy 😉
    Glad you enjoyed New York’s finest: The Strand! (Though I wonder why you bought MORE. 😉 )

    Major book blogge jealousy! (Don’t worry, only in a good way!)
    Enjoy them! Go for the Maggie Stiefvater books first. I can’t wait to hear what you think! If you grew really attached to the Iron Fey characters, you may want to push off reading the Iron Queen. Just avoiding reading any reviews, but they’re all kinda spoilery. Enjoy that one too, though!

    Good luck getting through all those, and enjoy!

  7. Great Job, Katie! From your stash, I immediately put my name on the list for Abandon by Meg Cabot, but I think you read that one already. That makes it easy, though! Post that review first! 🙂

    Hope to see you soon! I can’t wait to hear about BEA!

  8. I love it when there are these huge vlogs after book events because the bloggers get excited about them and the event as you show them to us!

    Lots of awesome there 🙂