First Line Friday (3)

First Line Friday is a feature created by me where I post five first lines from some books that I have on my TBR pile.  You guys then get to vote, based on the first lines, for the book that I will read next. =)

Title:  Legacies (Shadow Grail #1)
Author:  Mercedes Lackey & Rosemary Edgehill
Release date:  July 6, 2010

Someone was moaning.  Spirit wished whoever it was would be quiet.  It sounded horrible, like a dying animal.  Why didn’t someone do something about it?

Title:  Once A Witch (Witch #1)
Author:  Carolyn MacCullough
Release date:  September 14, 2009

I was born on the night of Samhain, when the barrier between the worlds is whisper thin and when magic, old magics, sings its heady and sweet song to anyone who cares to hear it.  

Title:  Wildefire
Author:  Karsten Knight
Release date:  July 26, 2011

Ashline Wilde was a human mood ring.  Sixteen years old, and she was a cauldron of emotions–frothing, bubbling, and volatile.  She had never heard of “bottling it all up inside.”  She was as transparent as the air itself.

Title:  Spellbound
Author: Cara Lynn Shultz
Release date:  June 28, 2011

It’s always embarrassing to have someone take you to school.  Your dad, your mom, anyone with her hair in rollers.  

Title:  Falling For Hamlet
Author:  Michelle Ray
Release date:  July 5, 2011

“Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.  Oh, thank you!” Zara shouts as she feigns surprise at the audience’s outpouring of affection and its standing ovation.  She gestures for the audience members to sit down, though she smiles broadly when they continue to stand.  “Please. Please,” she gestures, and since they have all been watching her for years, they know that she means business even when she’s giving a casual instruction. They settle into their seats as Zara flops precisely onto her overstuffed cream couch, smoothing her dark hair.

So based on these first lines, which book do you think I should read and review next?

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  1. Spellbound is hilarious!! I love Cara Lynn Shultz. She’s got a new series coming out and there are ghosts 🙂