Bout Of Books 4.0 Read-a-Thon Goals!

I’m a little late in the game but I just signed up for the Bout Of Books read-a-thon and I am so excited!  I’m really hoping this helps me get through the rest of the book on my May TBR!
I really just want to read as many books as possible this week.  My ideal number would be 8 but I would be happy with 6.
Books I want to read:
  • Enchanted by Alethea Kontis
  • Of Poseidon by Anna Banks
  • Wrecked by Anna Davies
  • Original Sin (Personal Demons #2) by Lisa Desrochers
  • Last Rite (Personal Demons #3) by Lisa Desrochers
  • Ladies In Waiting by Laura L. Sullivan
  • Underworld (Abandon #2) by Meg Cabot
  • Hemlock by Kathleen Peacock
Throughout the week I will be updating this post with my progress so check back and see how I’m doing.  I’ll also be updating on Twitter!

-started and finished Orignal Sin by Lisa Desrochers
-started Last Rite by Lisa Desrochers
-# of pages read: 605

-finished Last Rite by Lisa Desrochers
-started and finished Hemlock by Kathleen Peacock
-# of pages read: 565

-started and finished Underworld by Meg Cabot
-started and finished Of Poseidon by Anna Banks
-# of pages read: 644

-started and finished Enchanted by Alethea Kontis
-# of pages read: 305

-started Ladies In Waiting by Laura L. Sullivan
-# of pages read: 60

took a break from reading

-finished Ladies In Waiting by Laura L. Sullivan
-started Wrecked by Anna Davies
-# of pages read: 268

What are your goals?  What are some books on your TBR?
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  1. I watch your youtube channel and follow you on twitter already so i’m glad to see you joining this read-a-thon. You have some great books there on your list. Happy reading 🙂 This is my first read-a-thon so i only have 4 books on my list and that feels ALOT lol

  2. Ooh, some great books here! I especially want to read Of Poseidon and Underworld soon, but I don’t have copies yet – must work on that! Good luck!

  3. I am still debating on entering this one or not. I think I NEED a readathon to kick my butt in gear, but… we shall see.

    Good luck with your goals! Enchanted is super fun & cute & fast. 🙂 I’m excited to hear what you think 🙂 (YAY for fairy tales! 🙂 )

  4. I loved Hemlock like crazy, and just finished Enchanted last week. I’m excited to see what you’ll think of them =) Good luck with your goals and happy reading!

  5. This is an awesome list. I would love reading those books. I’m participating too but I haven’t decided on the books yet. 8 books are many for a week – I will definitely check back to see how you’re doing. Have fun reading!

  6. I set my goal at 7 but that’s mostly because I have a few shorter books on my list. I’m really looking forward to reading Hemlock although I won’t be for the read-a-thon. Good luck!

  7. Good luck with reading 6, or 8, books! I wish I could read 6 books a week, sadly I could only read 3. 😀
    But you’ve got someawesome books on your list so I’m sure you won’t have any problems. 🙂

  8. I wish this readathon was next week! GAH! I’m so behind on reading yet I had exam week so I haven’t been reading at all! It looks like you migth make your 8 book goal!