Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas | Review

Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas | ReviewAsk Again Later by Liz Czukas
Published by Harper Teen on March 11, 2014
Genres: Contemporary
Pages: 336
Format: Paperback
Source: Publisher
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Despite what her name might suggest, Heart has zero interest in complicated romance. So when her brilliant plan to go to prom with a group of friends is disrupted by two surprise invites, Heart knows there's only one drama-free solution: flip a coin.

Heads: The jock. He might spend all night staring at his ex or throw up in the limo, but how bad can her brother's best friend really be?

Tails: The theater geek...with a secret. What could be better than a guy who shares all Heart's interests--even if he wants to share all his feelings?

Heart's simple coin flip has somehow given her the chance to live out both dates. But where her prom night ends up might be the most surprising thing of all...

picadillyblue Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas is not getting enough buzz, in my opinion. It’s a completely adorable book that contemporary readers will love.  Liz Czukas’ debut novel shows a lot of promise for her future books.

Heart might be one of the most awkward heroines I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading about.  Honestly, no matter which date she chooses, she gets into some hilarious situations.  She’s a really kind-hearted person who gets stuck in a crappy situation.  Two guys ask her to prom and they both have really good reasons for asking her.  No matter what she does, someone is going to get hurt which is why Heart decides that a coin toss is the best way to decide.  Each chapter following the coin toss alternates between what might happen depending on who Heart chooses to go with.  It’s a lot like a fun, light hearted version of Pivot Point by Kasie West.

Heart’s friends are the kind of people I want to be friends with.  They are fun, carefree, truly nice people.  They don’t care about dates to prom, they don’t care about popularity, they don’t care about anything but hanging out with each other.  Their plan for prom is to go as a big group and just have fun together.  No matter what happens throughout the night they always come back to each other and they are always there for each other.  And sometimes true friendship means shoving you in a car trunk and forcing you to talk about your issues.  Read Ask Again Later and you’ll totally understand what I mean by that statement.

There is also some romance in Ask Again Later but not with who you might imagine.  Let’s just say, I saw it coming from the start but I wasn’t sure that it was ever going to actually happen.  It was completely innocent and adorable and I loved it.  Truly the perfect romance for this book.  Well for any book really.

Overall, Ask Again Later deserves much more praise than it’s been getting.  Everyone should go out and get a copy as soon as possible!

What others are saying about Ask Again Later:

Good Books and Good Wine’s review: “Y’all, if you are having a rough time in your life and need to blow off some steam, read Ask Again Later for a dose of the best medicine, laughter.”

Proud Book Nerd’s review: “Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas is a fun, quick read.”

Rex Robot Reviews’ review: “Overall, I thought this was fun, fluffy read and a cute premise for a prom story.”

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  1. YES! Ask Again Later needs more reviews and more praise and more love because it’s such a fun, light sweet book. And like, hilarious. Also, I agree her friends are people I totally would be friends with.

  2. I really want to read this one! I’m hoping I’ll manage to get my hands on it soon!
    Thanks for a great review! I really need a book that will make me feel good and make me laugh!