2300 Followers Giveaway!

2300 Followers Giveaway!

I promised that when I reached 2300 followers I would give away a book so here is that giveaway! 15 year old Tiger Lily, proud and fierce, wild and misunderstood, […]

ARC Giveaway!

This year is shaping up to be a fabulous year for young adult books and I just happen to have a few that I would love to share with a […]

Sequels Giveaway!

Since there are so many series that I haven’t read, I want to giveaway a few of my sequels to people who have actually read the first books.  I have […]

Box Of Books Giveaway!

I am working on cleaning out some of my books and I decided to share some of my extra books with a lucky winner! Details:-One winner will receive a box […]

December Giveaway: Glimmer!

December Giveaway: Glimmer!

Last giveaway of December!  Read the summary and tell me that this book doesn’t sound awesome.  =) What if you forgot your identity and had to rely on other people […]

December Giveaway: Hallowed!

December Giveaway: Hallowed!

I recently read Hallowed and loved it so I really wanted to give you guys the chance to win an ARC of it! For months part-angel Clara Gardner trained to […]

December Giveaway: Balthazar!

December Giveaway: Balthazar!

I know many of you are eagerly awaiting this Evernight spin-off so I am going to give you the chance to win an ARC! Haunted by memories from his first […]