Blogger Interview: Rie from Mission To Read

Today I have the lovely Rie from Mission To Read.  Isn’t her blog button adorable?

What are you like outside of blogging?

I’m pretty boring actually. I’m a history graduate student and as such school and interning takes up a majority of my time. Right now during winter break I’m kinda consumed with baking. I love to bake. I’ve baked like 4 pecan pies (my favorite) since winter break began two weeks ago. As well as a ton of other sweets. My husband and I’s waistline is starting to expand.

What book changed your life?

Books have influenced me from an early age. I’d say the books that influenced me the most would be The Boxcar Series, Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, and most recently Everneath by Brodi Ashton.

On the surface, Everneath seems to be a simple story about Hades and Peresphone, but I found it to be about so much more. It deals with things such as addiction, depression, and family.

What made you decide to start your blog?

Reading has always been a social activity for me. As a child my entire family would grab a book on Sunday afternoons and read for a few hours. My sister and I would then discuss the books we were reading.

I had an writing blog a long time ago and the people that stopped by were more often book bloggers than other writers. I didn’t think of it much then, but when I moved away from my sister I missed the social aspect of reading. That’s when I decided to start my own book blog.

What blogs/bloggers inspire you?

So many bloggers inspire me. Some of my favorites are Ginger @ Greads, Ashley @ Basically Amazing Books, and Isalys @ Book Soulmates are my go to bloggers.

What are your goals for your blog in the future?

I would love to network more with the book community. I love twitter, but sometimes I slack off and I’m horrible at commenting. I would love to be more social.

Do you love or hate your mailman?

I LOVE my mailman. I think he kinda hates me though. I start squeeing and he gives me the strangest looks. Oh well! I can’t contain my excitement when amazing books come.


-Book of all time: This changes pretty much daily.

-New release: Everneath by Brodi Ashton

-Genre: Paranormal and Historical Fiction; whether it be adult or young adult

-Place to Read: The only places I can pay attention while reading is either in the car or in bed. Seriously, I’m seriously ADHD so if there are other things going on around me I can’t read.

-TV show: Big Bang Theory

-Candy: Milk Chocolate with Nuts

-Drink: As a southerner the only correct answer would be Sweet Tea!

You guys can find out more about Rie on her blog, Mission To Read, or on Twitter!

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  1. Fun interview! Four pecan pies sound delicious and I am jealous of the sweet tea. It’s not easy to find in CA and I dare not make my own or I would drink it all.

  2. I’d love to know what kind of cool internships a history major gets – is it in a library or museum? Archives maybe?

    Boxcar series rocks 🙂 My grandma used to read them to me 🙂

    Lovely interview 🙂