Envy (The Luxe #3) by Anna Godbersen

Title: Envy (The Luxe #3)
Author: Anna Godbersen
Rating: 5 Stars

Jealous whispers.
Old rivalries.
New betrayals.

Two months after Elizabeth Holland’s dramatic homecoming, Manhattan eagerly awaits her return to the pinnacle of society. When Elizabeth refuses to rejoin her sister Diana’s side, however, those watching New York’s favorite family begin to suspect that all is not as it seems behind the stately doors of No. 17 Gramercy Park South.

Farther uptown, Henry and Penelope Schoonmaker are the city’s most celebrated couple. But despite the glittering diamond ring on Penelope’s finger, the newlyweds share little more than scorn for each other. And while the newspapers call Penelope’s social-climbing best friend, Carolina Broad, an heiress, her fortune—and her fame—are anything but secure, especially now that one of society’s darlings is slipping tales to the eager press.

In this next thrilling installment of Anna Godbersen’s bestselling Luxe series, Manhattan’s most envied residents appear to have everything they desire: Wealth. Beauty. Happiness. But sometimes the most practiced smiles hide the most scandalous secrets. . . .

Okay so I finally finished Envy. And it was AMAZING. I love how Anna Godbersen manages to incorporate history with such a great story. The only thing bad I have to say about this book is that it is kind of depressing. Most stories, you expect a happy ending. So far in this series the first book was the only one with a happy ending. Well, sort of happy.

So, the book starts off about two months after Will is killed at the train station and Penelope and Henry are married. Elizabeth is still hiding what really happened in the months that she was gone and she is still not back in society. Diana is heartbroken over Henry’s betrayal with Penelope and is still unable to even see him. Penelope is still a backstabbing, lying, conniving girl but even more so now that she has married into the Schoonmaker family. Henry is always trying to get drunk and forget about all the mistakes that he made but he can’t seem to get away from Penelope. And last but not least, Carolina Broad, formerly Lina Broud. She gets off to a great start in society and is still living in the New Netherland hotel. She also seems to be developing a bit of a crush on another member of high society, Leland Bouchard.

The story starts off in New York but quickly changes locations to Florida. The Schoonmakers invite Teddy Cutting, Leland Bouchard, Carolina Broad, Elizabeth and Diana Holland, and also Penelope’s brother Grayson Hayes. While everyone is off in Florida some new romances seem to bloom but don’t seem to work out in the end. Once back in New York one of those romances goes a little too far and could end up being the ruin of one member of high society but we won’t know until the next book is released.

Okay well I’m not going to say everything that happens in this book. If you truly want to know you will read it. Now that I’m finished with the book, I am so anxious for the next one and I have no clue when that will be coming out. So I definitely recommend reading this series and tell me what you think about it, even if you don’t necessarily agree with my opinion.

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