Yay! I just got my second award! This time I was nominated by Laina. She has an amazing blog with some great book reviews so go check it out, if you haven’t already.
Well, I’m not quite sure what this award is called but here were the rules:
1. Say five things you are addicted to.
2. Nominate 5 other bloggers/people with this award.
– Reading
– Skittles
– My ipod
– My laptop(I think i have become addicted to blogging!)
– Contests(I enter pretty much every contest I come across! So far I have had some pretty good luck, though.)
My five nominees:
– Vania from Reverie Book Reviews!
– Nancy from Tales of a Ravenous Reader!
– Brooke from Brooke Reviews!
– Em from Em’s Bookshelf!
– Sarah from GreenBeanTeenQueen!
So, there you have it! Thanks for my second award. I’m glad to see that people are reading and liking my blog!
Thanks Katie! 🙂
Thanks, Katie! congratulations on being nominated! 🙂