Book Lookalikes!

So, this is totally random but as I was browsing Amazon I noticed that The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti and Flirting With Boys by Hailey Abbott both have the same photo, one is just a little more zoomed in. Take a look:

I just thought I would mention that. I wasn’t sure if anyone else had noticed. I always find it funny when I see two books with the same pictures.

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  1. LOL, that was a pretty awesome catch. I personnally like The Secret Life of PRince Charming better… just because I’m reading it right now =D

  2. I always get so annoyed when two covers are almost the same :-p Of course, these are EXACTLY the same… that was a good catch! I feel like the coloring on Hailey’s is better but the general layout of Deb’s is more appealing… But like, ‘Friend Me’ and ‘Footfree And Fancyloose’ or ‘Cracked Up To Be’ and ‘Dirty Laundry,’ I don’t know why, it just bothers me, lol.

  3. I noticed those also, I’m refering to The Book Girl’s comment. I think that every book should have it’s own picture, and design, and it does bother some people…like me…