Kreativ Blogger Award!

Thanks so much Carrie for the award. I love your blog and you are amazing!

Kreativ Blogger Award! The rules for this one include:
*Post 7 things you love
*Give award to 7 other bloggers who are creative.

Things I love:
1.Books–That one is a little obvious seeing as my whole blog is about books but I felt that it should be first on my list.
2.My Family–Even though they annoy me a lot of the time I still love them. They should be at the top of my list of things I love but it isn’t really in order of importance.
3.My Ipod–I think this is such an amazing creation. I don’t know what I did before Ipods came along. I probably just listened to the same music over and over again on CDs. How sad.
4.How I Met Your Mother–This is something Carrie and I have in common. I am addicted to this show ever since my mom started watching it recently. We have all three seasons that are on DVD and they are so funny. If you haven’t seen this show before I totally recommend it.
5.My Dog–She is completely dumb sometimes, especially when she whines in my ear early in the morning when I am trying to sleep but most of the time I love her.
6.Friends–I don’t know what I would do without my friends. They are always there for me and they always cheer me up.
7.Blogging–Last but not least, blogging. I just started in January of this year and I have become completely addicted. I love posting reviews and just random comments.

Blogs I nominate:
1.Reverie Book Reviews–I love her blog. She is probably the most creative blogger I know. She is not only a reviewer but a photographer. She is amazing and I think you should definitely check out her blog if you haven’t already!
2.Just Your Typical Book Blog–This is another blog that I love. I find a ton of books here that I want to read. Amber and Cheryl always have great reviews and other fun blog stuff so check it out!
3.Katie’s Bookshelf–Katie was the winner of my first contest but I had already seen her blog before then. She always has greats reviews and discussions.
4.Look At That Book–More great reviews and information about new or upcoming books. I can always find something great to read at her blog!
5.The Page Flipper–This was probably one of the first blogs I ever found. Not only are there great reviews, there are great contests.
6.The Book Muncher–This is the first blog I ever found. I had never read a book blog before and I became hooked after this one. The Book Muncher always has great reviews that I love to read and most of the time, go out and buy the books.
7.Reading Keeps You Sane–Another book review blog that I love. And I must say that I love her new layout. It is so summery and just makes me want school to end.

And there they are. There are so many great blogs that I love but I could only pick 7. Also, I know I said there would be a review for Such A Pretty Girl today but I think that might have to be put off until tomorrow. Sorry! And once again thanks so much for the award, Carrie! I’m so glad that my blog is read and loved by so many!

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