Quick question!

My quick question is this:

Should I read more than one book at a time?

I know a lot of bloggers read multiple books at once but I have never really tried. I always worried that I wouldn’t be able to appreciate them as much if I didn’t devote my time to just one. I would love to know what everyone else thinks about my dilemma especially if you are one of those people who read multiple books at once. =]

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  1. I think it all depends on what you prefer. I used to only read one book at a time because like you mentioned above, I was worried that I wouldn’t appreciate them as much if I spread my attention over multiple books at a time instead of just the one.

    I find though,(after having given it a shot) that I can read multiple books at a time and still manage to enjoy them just as much. Honestly, I’m just impatient and don’t like waiting for one to end before I can commence the the others haha.

    So yeah, I think it all depends on what you’re comfortable with.


  2. I can’t read more than one book at a time. For me it takes away from what I’m reading. So I think you should just do whatever you are comfortable with. I wish I could read multiple books, then I would always have a review ready, but I’d rather concentrate on one thing and give it my complete attention.

  3. I am like Carrie: I CAN’T read one book at a time. I get the plots confused and it’s not as personal, I guess. It just takes the joy away from reading, for me.

  4. I read multiple books at a time, but that’s because I need a backup if the one I’m reading annoys me or I get bored or I’m just not in the mood for that type of story. I also have at least one audiobook going as well, so I’ve got lots of books being read/listened to at a time. I don’t have a hard time picking up where I left off in each book and I still enjoy them, but I’ve been reading multiple books all my life, so I’m used to it!

  5. I am always reading about five books at a time (three books, one on my ipod and one in the car). I like it because it just means I always have something going I’m interested in. It’s not difficult for me to switch back and forth.