This is another one of my random questions:
How many books do you think you own?
My parents are always getting onto me about how many books I have and I was wondering if I was the only one with an abnormally large personal library. I find it hard to believe, though, with all the books some people get in the mail. So, after this I will be back to posting my review for What Would Emma Do? but this just popped into my head because we are currently finishing packing to move to Colorado.
Personally (not counting my parents or brothers books) I probably own anywhere between 550-650 books. I haven’t really counted since last year. Hmm, maybe I should count again lol. It’s a good question. My parents are just happy I collect books instead of something even more expensive. Like my little brothers addiction to videogames– ehehe. x)
I thought I had a lot (320-ish) but 650; that’s insane! I’m actually just jealous though!
Just did a rough estimate – most of our books are out on book shelves – and we have at least 850…
L. Diane Wolfe
Wow, I thought my library was big… I take off my virtual hat to you all. At last count, I had approximately 428, and I got quite a few books since then, so I’m guessing at least 450. Apparently I have a far way to go :-p
The things that is really sad is i have probably read about 10 times more books than i actually have in my library which is only about 100 becuase most of the books i buy i trade on book swapping sites and that decreases my library. Only my favorites i keep. That is a really downside to book trading. But 650 wow, thats more than my local public library has.
Wow-I’m totally telling my husband about your collections! He was just telling me tonight I had too many and I don’t have near that amount-I would guess only around 200.
I most likely have close to 1,000+ I have a big bookcase and the books are currently stacked 3 deep.
Um. Well. Ahhhh, I have no idea, at least a few hundred, but I haven’t counted in a couple years.
Only about 100 on my bookshelf, but i have read most of the YA section at my local library and a lot of the main city library.
For sure over 150, haven’t counted in a while and I just did a big purge.