My Blog Is Fabulous!

I just got this lovely award from Genevieve of Genevieve’s Blog. She has some wonderful reviews and book related posts. I am also terribly jealous of the amount of amazing books that she got while in New York for BEA and the teen author carnival. If you haven’t checked out her blog already you should definitely do that and find a way to convince her to mail me some of those books. =]

Rules of the award:
Write five things you are addicted to and then nominate five other blogs to pass this award on to!

My five addictions:

My Books: This one should be obvious seeing as I created a whole blog to write about all the books that I loved and some that I didn’t really love. I admit that my addiction is pretty big and I have a feeling that I will realize just how big when I unpack tomorrow and see how many books I have actually accumulated. Don’t worry, though! Some of the ones that I don’t need will be used for giveaways on my fabulous blog.

My Ipod: I am very addicted to my ipod. I listen to it every day and I am currently wishing for an itouch so that I can play all the games that they have. One of my friends had one and I was so addicted to all the games that he had. Till then I will settle for my wonderful ipod video.

My Computer: I love my laptop. It seems like I can’t be away from it longer than a day at a time. There are just so many fun things to do on the computer these days I can’t help but be addicted.

Skittles: Who doesn’t want to taste the rainbow? Skittles have always been my favorite candy and so many of my friends found it weird when I didn’t have a pack stuffed in my bag somewhere.

How I Met Your Mother: I love this tv show. One of my mom’s friends told her about it earlier in the year and ever since I have watched so many episodes. We went out and bought the first three seasons and now my whole family is addicted to the show.

My Nominees:
-Lauren from Shooting Stars Mag
-Jessica Marie from Books Love Jessica Marie
-Bri from Bri’s Book Reviews
-Eli from The Tainted Poet
-Renee from The Book Girls Reviews

I will leave comments for all you guys and thanks again to Genevieve for giving me this wonderful award!!!

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  1. Thanks so much, and congrats on recieving it yourself. I’m addicted to a lot of those things too….I wish I had an ipod, though I do have an mp3 player and it works, so that’s good for now. 🙂


  2. Awe! Thanks for all of the nice things that you said about my blog. You totally deserve this award because your blog is awesome. I love your five addictions, I have to agree with books, computer, and ipod!

  3. Can I tell you something honestly? I hate Skittles. They’re gross to me, they just stick in your teeth while trying and failing to be M&M’s. (But that’s just me.)