Have any of you guys ever read a book online? Simon Pulse has the new Pulse IT program but instead of sending out the books they have them online. I am currently reading Pure as you can see in my sidebar but I am only about 30 pages in and I can’t stand reading it on the computer. For one, I don’t like sitting in front of the computer for long periods of time and the screen bugs my eyes.
What about you guys? Are you okay with reading books online or do you only read print versions?
I’m currently reading Girl Stays in the Picture on the Pulse It program. I have less than 100 pages left. I don’t mind sitting on the computer for long periods, although I could be more productive. The only thing I really dislike about Pulse It’s online books are the wait time between pages, but other than that it’s a decent program. Not as good as an actually copy, but hey, it’s free.
However, I got an e-book months ago, and reading that on the computer is torture. The pages are bright, much brighter than the Pulse It ones.
I really don’t enjoy reading books online, it makes me all ADD and it hurts my eyes and back to sit and stare at a bright computer screen. If you do like ebooks, though, you should check out the Guetenburg Project. It’s free, no-download books online, and even though it’s mostly classics since their copyrights have expried, ther’re sometimes more recent reads. 🙂
I’ll check out the PUlse IT thing, thanks 🙂
-Meggin, serendipityreviews.blogspot.com
I much prefer reading books in real life! I did read one e-book before and it was ok, I didn’t mind it to bad but I would have enjoyed it better if I had it as an actual book! I’m a member of the Pulse It program, however, I can’t figure out were to choose and read the book! Any tips?
I’ve never really enjoyed the idea of reading a book on the computer, it just seems kind of wrong.
I’ve only read one 300+ page fan fiction on my computer and that was a pain but the story totally had me hooked. Other than that I read ebooks on my Kindle and don’t have the eye strain problem I get with the computer. I do tend to favor my actual paper books first though. I guess out of sight out of mind.
I am trying to get through Pure. It’s not bad, I just can’t stand the e-book thing. It goes against my morale as well. Is the world really coming to the loss of printed word? Is it just me, or does anyone else hate the Kindle?
(I plan to own a bookstore later in life, and all the electronic stuff is ruining my hopes)
I can’t read books online. I just can’t do it, I’ve tried a bunch but it is way too hard on my eyes. I can spend hours on the computer but I can’t read text online for more than 10 min at a time, which is why I’m always going from web page to web page.
If I’m at the computer I have 10 billion things to be doing, none of them reading an ebook. I do read slush on the computer, but that’s rarely more than 10,000 words at a shot (more often 2-3000). For full on novels, I much prefer an e-reader device (my dayjob provides me with an iphone, and I’m more than happy to read on that).
I HATE e-books on my laptop. I much prefer an actual book. However, I think I’d enjoy reading an e-book if I had a Amazon Kindle. But the only reason I would get a Kindle would be because of the PulseIT program because otherwise I would just buy the actual book. (I know I sound redundant)