Touch by Francine Prose

book cover of Touch by Francine ProseBook: Touch by Francine Prose

Rating: 3 Stars

Release Date: June 16

What really happened at the back of the bus?

Did they, or didn’t they?

Did she, or didn’t she?

Something happened to fourteen-year-old Maisie Willard—something involving her three friends, all boys. But their stories don’t match, and the rumors spin out of control. Then other people get involved . . . the school, the parents, the lawyers. The incident at the back of the bus becomes the center of Maisie’s life and the talk of the school, and, horribly, it becomes news. With just a few words and a touch, the kids and their community are changed forever.

Nobody knows what really happened that day on the school bus. Not even Maisie knows the truth of what happened to her anymore. The boys, her former best friends, say one thing. Maisie tells a different story. Who is actually telling the truth? Are either of them telling the truth or only their version of the truth?

I don’t have a whole lot to say about Touch. It was a very fascinating story about how the someone can tell what they think is the truth while in reality they don’t really know what happened.

As time passed in the book Maisie began to change her story. Certain things made her change her mind about what she wanted to say and she only really found the truth with the help of her therapist and one of the boys who was involved in the incident.

My problem with the book was that I was very confused. The story changed so much I couldn’t keep up. Also, the characters weren’t very developed. You only really got to see into Maisie’s mind and she didn’t elaborate very well on her relationships with the other characters.

Overall, it was a good story but not something that really stood out to me or something that I would read again.

You can order Touch here.

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  1. Nice review. This seems like a really interesting story. I’d love to give it a try at some point in the future…as I’m quite curious now to see what actually happened. I do know that some people can tell THEIR truth, but not the REAL truth…so that’s an interesting idea to write about.


  2. I actually just wrote a similar review for this book. I thought it was kind of confusing and written differently (alternates from past to present etc.). I thought it had a good plot, but it wasn’t executed well unfortunately 🙁