I’m Home!!!

As you can see from my post title I am back home and in front of the computer. I have been checking my email but not my blog so I was so excited to see that my first ever scheduled posts worked. I also seem to have gotten an award while I was away and I will be posting about that tomorrow along with another new contest. Oh how I love being home.

Also, I read a couple amazing books while I was on vacation. I finally got around to reading both Evermore and Blue Moon and I can’t believe that I have to wait until 2010 for more of Damen and Ever. I also just read the 6th Pretty Little Liars book, Killer, and boy was it ever. I didn’t think I could be any more shocked by this series of books but I was wrong. Reviews will be posted shortly along with a ton of other fun things.


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  1. I didn’t know you could schedule posts. I just took a gander at the blog format and wow.. I’ll have to try that out this week. 🙂

  2. How was Wisconsin? I loved Evermore and Blue Moon – Blue Moon made me want Shadowland more than I wanted Blue Moon after reading Evermore!

  3. Welcome back! I just saw the Pretty Little Liars Series at Walmart yesterday and I was going to get it, but I got Vampire Academy instead lol. I haven’t heard much about Pretty Little Liars other than it’s really good.
