Let’s Be Friends Award!!

While I was away on vacation I received a new award, the Let’s Be Friends award. I was actually given this award from three different bloggers and here is a little bit of info about all three people and their lovely blogs.

Meggin from Serendipity Book Reviews: Meggin has been blogging since March and her blog is looking great. Her blog is focused on books, just like mine. She has some great reviews and is even hosting her own challenge for 2009 so go check it out!

Allison from Read Into This: Allison is a new blogger. She just started blogging this month but her blog looks great. She participates in weekly memes and she has some great reviews. This was her first award and I am honored to be nominated by her!

Jess from Lost In A Book: Jess is another new blogger. She just started blogging in June and so far her blog is awesome. Also, she has already held two contests. I know I didn’t start until my blog was a bit more developed. Jess has some great reviews and if you are looking for some book recommendations check out her blog!

Now on to the info about the award:
Blogs that receive the Let’s Be Friends Award are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and befriend. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers.

Who I pass it on to:
Shalonda from Shalonda’s Blog
Lizzie from The Book Obsession
Ashley from Ashley’s Bookshelf
Amanda from That Teen Can Blog!
Kaitlyn from WritingAboutReading!
Lexi from Anotherpageisused…
Liyana from Liyanaland!
Emily Ruth from AyeCaptainReviews

So there they are, my wonderful nominees for this award. Thanks again to Meggin, Allison, and Jess for giving me this award and thanks to all my wonderful readers who I definitely consider friends. =]

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