
Hey guys! I was going to write a review for Lipstick Apology, which I loved, but I’m so tired right now that I don’t think it would do the book justice. Instead I thought I would just mention that if any of you guys are on goodreads you should add me as a friend if you haven’t already or leave me a comment here and I will add you. I am posting a ton of books to trade there because I just don’t like Bookmooch or any other site. This way I can trade with people that I know from blogging. I have been going through boxes of books for the past 2 hours and I have found books that I didn’t even know I had. I figured I probably didn’t really need them if I couldn’t even remember them. =]

I promise to post a review tomorrow and read more of Catching Fire. I have been doing so much other stuff I have barely had a chance to read but I loved The Hunger Games and I just know that when I have finished Catching Fire I will want the third book so much. Oh well another year to wait.

Night everyone!

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  1. I’ll find look for you on GoodReads… I swap occasionally. Sometimes I just can’t part with the ones I really love though…!

    Enjoy Catching Fire – the release date can’t come soon enough for me! 🙂 Can’t wait to read you review – I’m sure it will be a positive, happy one!

  2. I would like to be your friend but I cannot find you so if you can befriend me I will do the same just look for me under my email silverbookgirl@yahoo dot com

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