Contest Time!

So, in my mailbox this week I received second copies of both Why I Let My Hair Grow Out and How I Found The Perfect Dress by Maryrose Wood. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with them so I am holding a contest for them. Yay!

Here are the details:
-One lucky reader will win both books!

-You must be a follower to enter.
-You must leave a comment with a valid email address. If you don’t feel comfortable posting your email in a comment then email me your entries at katieb206[at]gmail[dot]com
-Please include all entries in one comment!

Extra entries:
+1 become a follower
+2 if you link this contest somewhere (sidebar is fine)
+3 if you are already a follower

This contest will be open until September 30 which is ten days away. After that be prepared for tons of Halloween goodies! Happy reading and get entering!

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  1. Hey Katie, awesome contest! I’ve been wanting to read them for a little while.

    +3 For already following you.
    +2 For linking this to my sidebar at

    shutupjessicasreading at gmaildotcom

  2. Hi, Katie!

    Count me in, those books sound awesome! 🙂

    +3 already a follower
    +2 if you link this contest in my sidebar (


    – Wendy (omgitswendy at gmail dot com)

  3. Great contest I loved the first one and would love to reread it and am looking forward to the second one.
    +2 linked on sidebar
    +3 already a follower



  4. I haven’t read Why I Let My Hair Grow Out yet, but I’ve always wanted to! Thanks so much for this awesome contest. =) If this contest is international please enter me- and if not (which is totally cool- sending two books must be exxy!) then don’t! =D

    +3 I’m already a follower

    Thanks so much and I hope you have an awesome day! =)