Demon Princess: Reign Or Shine by Michelle Rowen

Book: Demon Princess: Reign Or Shine by Michelle Rowen

Rating: 5 Stars
Release date: September 29, 2009 from Walker Books
Summary: As if trying to fit in at a new school isn’t stressful enough, sixteen-year-old Nikki Donovan just found out that her long-lost father is, in fact, the demon king of the Shadowlands—the world that separates and protects us from the Underworld. When she is brought there by the mysterious—and surprisingly cute—messenger Michael, she learns that her father is dying, and he wants her to assume the throne. To complicate matters, a war is brewing between the Shadowlands and the Underworld, her half-demon qualities are manifesting, and her gowing feelings for Michael are completely forbidden. Ruling a kingdom, navigating a secret crush, and still making it home by curfew—what’s a teenage demon princess to do?


OMG I loved this book! It was so fantastic! I have nothing bad to say about it. It was just perfect, at least in my opinion. Michelle Rowen has made a spectacular start to her YA writing career. I just can’t wait for the second book!

I loved Nikki and Michael. At first, I didn’t think they would be good together but as I got into the book my opinion totally changed. They seemed perfect for each other once I got used to the idea. And Nikki is a great main character. You find out a lot about her background without it getting boring or repetitive. Also, she was really strong. Strong girls in books are just something that I love. She wasn’t whiny or bratty either and that is one of my biggest peeves when it comes to main characters.

The whole storyline was really good. It’s not an overdone plot which makes the book even better. I loved that the story was about demons and not werewolves or vampires, for once. No offense to those books but they are being overdone right now and I love the originality of this new series. Also, this book does have some awesome unicorns and evil fairies involved. How cool is that?

Overall, I guess I stated what I thought about this book in the first sentence of my review, I loved it! I really think this is going to be a great new series and I will be rushing out to buy the next book as soon as it hits shelves! =]

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  1. So glad you liked it! I agree about the bratty characters- I hate them! I’m really glad I have a copy of this in my TBR pile, I’ll be reading it soon.

    Great review(: