The Ex Games by Jennifer Echols | Review

The Ex Games by Jennifer Echols | ReviewThe Ex Games by Jennifer Echols
Published by Simon & Schuster on October 6, 2009
Genres: Contemporary
Pages: 303
Format: Paperback
Source: Gifted
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Brace yourself for the battle of the exes...

Hayden and Nick used to be a hot item, but their brief affair ended with a highly publicized breakup. Now the two are "just friends," excluding the occasional flirtation.

When Hayden wins the girls' division of a local snowboarding competition, Nick is unimpressed, claiming that Hayden wouldn't have a chance against a guy. Hayden calls Nick's bluff and challenges him to a head-to-head boarding contest. Their mutual friends quickly take sides, the girls on Hayden's and the boys on Nick's, making for an all-out battle of the sexes. This friendly competition is bound to get heated—and they might end up igniting some old flames.


Okay first off, I love Jennifer Echols books. I don’t think she can write a bad book.So it stands to reason that The Ex Games was wonderful! I loved it. It was a perfect mix of seriousness, comedy, romance, and of course, battle of the exes.

One of the things I loved was that I was kept guessing. Nick and Hayden were always at each other’s throats. I never knew if they were going to start making out or hitting each other. Also, their friends were so funny. Of course both of their friends were dating each other so they were always trying to set them up together. And a couple times it seemed like it might work but then one of them opened their big mouths and managed to screw everything up, again. I was left wondering till the very end what would happen. And that is always a good thing!

Oh and the whole book wasn’t just about Hayden and Nick’s relationship status. When Hayden accidentally said something that upset Nick, he challenged her to a battle of the exes, snowboarding style. Now is one of those times I wish I could snowboard. It sounds so cool and there was quite a bit of it in the book. And while there was a lot of snowboarding going on, I didn’t feel confused about what they were talking about. There was just enough description to explain things without going overboard. I hate it when a book has too much information.

Overall, The Ex Games is probably the best Simon Pulse Romantic Comedy that I have ever read. Most of the time they are too predictable but this one stands out. If you haven’t read it yet, or anything else by Jennifer Echols go pick up a book. Like I said, they are all good so it doesn’t matter which one you start with. I am positive you will end up wanting more.

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  1. battle of the exes This sound like my type of book
    I love that the characters have relationship that i have with my BF LOL Great review
    sound like my kind of book !!!

    Denise MAdness

  2. Ooh, a romantic comedy! It definitely sounds like a very fun mixture, and gotta admit, the whole battle of the sexes concept is pretty classic fun. Of course, the five stars rating doesn’t hurt either 😉 Sounds like a great read, sweet review!

  3. This is a book I’ve had my eyes on for a while!I keep picking it up and have it on my list of books to get for the holiday season! Can’t wait to read it!

  4. This sounds like a book I really need to read. You know, one of those, I-can’t-wait-anymore-I-will-KILL-you-if-you-don’t-hand-over-that-book! LOL. Anyway, the storyline sounds a bit predictable to me, but I can’t judge until I read the book. Besides sometimes a book is so good that its predictability can be ignored.

  5. Sounds like a great read! It looks cute, but at the same time you said it isn’t too predictable, which is really hard to find with these type of books. I haven’t read any Susan Echol books before, but I might have to now! 🙂

  6. I’ve never read anything by Echols. And I generally don’t read romance because you’re right, they can be very predictable and sort of insipid. But I have been hearing great things about this, and this review was no exception, so I think I’m going to actually read it. Thanks for the review!