Girl In The Arena by Lise Haines

Book: Girl In The Arena by Lise Haines

Rating: 3 Stars

Release date: October 13, 2009 from Bloomsbury

Summary: It’s a fight to the death—on live TV—when a gladiator’s daughter steps into the arena.

Lyn is a neo-gladiator’s daughter, through and through. Her mother has made a career out of marrying into the high-profile world of televised blood sport, and the rules of the Gladiator Sports Association are second nature to their family. Always lend ineffable confidence to the gladiator. Remind him constantly of his victories. And most importantly: Never leave the stadium when your father is dying. The rules help the family survive, but rules—and the GSA—can also turn against you. When a gifted young fighter kills Lyn’s seventh father, he also captures Lyn’s dowry bracelet, which means she must marry him… For fans of The Hunger Games and Fight Club, Lise Haines’ debut novel is a mesmerizing look at a world addicted to violence—a modern world that’s disturbingly easy to imagine.


Girl in the Arena was quite an unusual book. It was unlike anything I have read before, but not always in a good way. In the end, I liked the book but as I was reading it, I wasn’t so sure. It didn’t really get good until really near the end and I know that might make a lot of people give up on it without even finishing it.

First off, the writing style is very odd. It took me a while to figure out what I didn’t like about it but I finally realized that it seemed choppy. Chapters ended in the middle of conversations, dialogue wasn’t in quotes, and things just seemed to switch a lot without any warning. It didn’t make the book bad but it did take me a while to get used to the style and it was mainly just annoying.

Also, the summary is so misleading. I went into the book expecting something similar to The Hunger Games with battles and gore and while we did get that, it was very minor. The main battles were at the very beginning and the very end. Oh and it also made me think that Lyn would be spending most of the book in battles with her dad’s killer, Uber. In actuality she was only in battle for about three or four pages of the book. I guess I just really wanted more from it.

Another thing I didn’t really like was the ending because I felt that there could have been more to it and it was just so open. I am actually hoping that there might be a sequel just so I can really find out what happens to Lyn and her family. It seemed like there was so much unfinished business between Lynn and Uber.

Overall, Girl in the Arena was just okay. I think there could have been so much more to it and I really do hope that there might be more in the works. I guess this is one I would recommend checking out from your library before buying.

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  1. Sorry you didn’t like it. I have heard it’s a lot like The Hunger Games. I want to read it to see what I think, but great (honest) review! I’m glad I’m borrowing a copy rather than buying my own(:

  2. I’ve seen mixed reviews of this book. Some people LOVE it other – not so much. Thanks for sharing your honests thoughts. I think for me, it’s a book I’m going to need to read for myself to decide if I like it.