Intertwined by Gena Showalter

Intertwined by Gena ShowalterIntertwined (Intertwined, #1) by Gena Showalter
Published by Harlequin Teen on August 18, 2009
Genres: Paranormal
Pages: 440
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
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There’s something about the new guy at Crossroads High . . .

Most sixteen-year-olds have friends. Aden Stone has four human souls living inside him:

One can time-travel.
One can raise the dead.
One can tell the future.
And one can possess another human.

With no other family and a life spent in and out of institutions, Aden and the souls have become friends. But now, they’re causing him all kinds of trouble.

Like, he’ll blink and suddenly he’s a younger Aden, reliving the past. One wrong move, and he’ll change the future. Or, he’ll walk past a total stranger and know how and when she’s going to die.

He’s so over it. All he wants is peace.

And then he meets a girl who quiets the voices. Well, for as long as he’s with her. Why? Mary Ann Gray is his total opposite. He’s a loner; she has friends. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks; she tries to make everyone happy. And while he attracts the paranormal, she repels it. For her sake, he should stay away. But it’s too late. . .

Somehow, they share an inexplicable bond of friendship. A bond about to be tested by a werewolf shape-shifter who wants Mary Ann for his own and a vampire princess Aden can’t resist. Two romances, both forbidden. . . doomed. Still, the four will enter a dark underworld of intrigue and danger. . . but not everyone will come out alive. . .

my thoughts:

Intertwined is my first ever book by Gena Showalter. It’s also my first Harlequin Teen novel. If they are anything like this one, I look forward to reading the rest of the books, both by Gena Showalter and from Harlequin Teen. This one was just the best and it definitely left me wanting more. 
Intertwined is full of paranormal creatures. Talking souls, ghosts, werewolves, vampires, witches, and everything in between. At first, I thought it was a little too much but as I read on I learned how they all fit in the book and it got better. Aden and his four souls were the best. Aden seemed kind of sad and lonely but he always had his souls to keep him company and they were so great. They all had different personalities and they all drove Aden insane. It was quite funny! Oh and Mary Ann was really sweet. She seemed like she was kind of uptight and nerdy but she grew up some throughout the book.
There was a little bit of everything in Intertwined. There was a ton of romance and some pretty gory fight scenes. It all just made the book perfect for me and I really can’t wait for the sequel. The ending was such a cliffhanger and waiting until next year for more is going to be super hard.
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  1. This book has such an interesting plot–four souls in one person. I really want to read it. I hope it’s as good as it sounds and from your review, it seems like it will be.

  2. Good review, it seems like a very interesting and good book! My hopes are up for the contest, but either way, I have to read Intertrwined!

  3. this sounds awesome! i want to read this book so bad… actually it kinda stinx that it has a sequel because then i have to wait for it, like i had to wait (and still have to wait!!) for the sequels to The Hunger Games… whatev. great review!

  4. Aww, your review definitely made me want to read this book now. I love the whole opposites attract relationship you described between Aden and Mary Ann. Those types of relationships make my heart flutter, big time. I can’t wait to read this book!

  5. This sounds great! Not too wild about the cliffhanger ending though. Hate it when authors do it. It is so hard to wait so long until the next book to find out what happened.

  6. This sounds like my type of book! I have actually read at least five reviews on this book, and I want to read it more and more everytime. Though, cliffhanger endings kill me. But I think this book might be worth it!!!

  7. This idea sounds so fascinating and complex to me, which you don’t always get in ya. I definitely want to read it, but I can’t decide whether to wait til the sequel or read it now. Damn cliffhangers.