My favorite books of 2009!

Originally I was only going to pick my top ten books but it would have been impossible for me to narrow it down that far. Instead you guys are getting my top twenty! =]

#1- Beautiful Creatures: You saw my review. Do I really need to explain why this was my favorite book of the year? It just rocked!

#2- Shiver: I know that Shiver was a book that some people really didn’t like but I was not one of those people. I loved it and I can’t wait for Linger. In my opinion, Maggie Stiefvater can do no wrong when it comes to writing. =]

#3- Hush,Hush- I loved Hush,Hush! I don’t think there was a single thing about it that I didn’t like. I can’t wait for Crescendo to be released! Hopefully it’s just as good, if not better.

#4- The Hunger Games/Catching Fire- I am going to group these two together because I read them both this year, one right after the other. I kept putting off reading The Hunger Games because I wasn’t sure that I would like it but when I finally read it, I couldn’t put it down. Then I had to read Catching Fire and it did not disappoint. I know that I am going to be sad when the trilogy ends this coming year.

#5- Fallen: When I read Fallen, I hadn’t heard very many good things about it. I decided that I would just ignore those reviews and read it for myself. Boy am I glad that I did. I really loved Fallen and I can’t wait for Torment.

#6- The Dark Divine: I just read this one not too long ago and I really enjoyed it. It was really unique and it was a debut novel. It was really well written and just really good. I can’t wait for more from Bree Despain.

#7- The Van Alen Legacy- This is the fourth Blue Bloods book and it is my favorite so far. I wasn’t sure that I was going to like it when I first started it but this series just seems to keep getting better. The next book comes out next year and the series isn’t even close to being finished.

#8- Lament/Ballad- More Maggie Stiefvater. I just love all her books. I don’t think I really need to explain more. =]

#9- Need- I read this very early in the year and I loved it. I haven’t read the sequel yet but I plan on doing that as soon as possible. It’s just a really good book.

#10- Eyes Like Stars- Another debut novel and a great one, in my opinion. Eyes Like Stars was just so unlike anything I have ever read and I can’t wait to read the sequel. I don’t think it will disappoint.

#11- Jessica’s Guide To Dating On The Dark Side- I don’t read a lot of vampire books because they all tend to be similar but not this one. It was one of the most unique vampire stories that I have ever read and it was superbly written.

#12- Prophecy Of The Sisters- It took me a while to actually get into Prophecy Of The Sisters but once I did it was great. It was full of action, romance, mystery, betrayal, and a lot more. Another debut author that I can’t wait for more from.

#13- Poison Study- I am really sad to say that I haven’t finished this series but the two books that I have read were amazing. I loved everything about Poison Study and I am so glad that Maria Snyder has some new stuff coming out this year. =]

#14- The Season- This is my one favorite historical. I thought it was super cute and I loved the heroine. She was strong and funny. She wasn’t a typical teenager in her times and it made the book a lot more interesting.

#15- Going Too Far- Jennifer Echols is amazing. I have read most of her books this year and I loved them but this one stood out. It is her first book that isn’t just a cute romance and it was really well done. If you haven’t already read it, check it out!

#16- Love You Hate You Miss You- Elizabeth Scott is one of my favorite authors and I think this might be my absolute favorite book by her, at least so far. It was so sad but it was so good. I didn’t think I could ever like a book as depressing as this one seems but there was a lot more than sadness to it.

#17- Hate List- Another really sad story that has a lot more than sorrow to it. I don’t even really know how to do this book justice. I guess you will just have to read it.

#18- The Miles Between- This is a very recent read and one that I recommend to everyone. I haven’t read her other book but if it’s anywhere near as good as this one, then it’s spectacular. =]

#19- Twenty Boy Summer- I have seen this one on some other people’s lists and it totally deserves to be there. I read this one a while ago but it stuck with me.

#20- As You Wish- This was such a cute book. It wasn’t really deep but sometimes just a fun book is what you need. This would fall right into that category.

What were your favorite books of the year?

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  1. The only ones on there I’ve read are Hush, Hush and Beautiful Creatues which both made my Top 20. Every single one of the others are ones I really want to read. Super list! 😀
