While checking new blog posts just a couple minutes ago I found a post on Readergirl Reviews that really got me thinking. She posted about a youth homeless organization in her area that she would love to collect some YA books for. Now, I know I probably can’t afford to mail her books with my tight budget but I do know that I can find a similar shelter near where I live and donate some of my gently used books. Not only does it help me clear some space on my shelves, it also helps someone less fortunate.
If you want to find out more about what Readergirls Review is planning check out her post here.
Also, I know this is only one way of many to help out over the holidays. Do you guys have some way that you help and if so what is it? I would love to know more ways that I can help people especially with the economy the way it is this year. It doesn’t have to be something big, just something that would make someone’s holiday a little bit better. =]