Shadowland (The Immortals #3) by Alyson Noel

Book: Shadowland (The Immortals #3) by Alyson Noel

Release date: November 17, 2009

Publisher: St.Martin’s Press

From: Bookstore

At the start of this breathtaking novel, Damen and Ever travel to Summerland in search of an antidote to reverse a powerful poison. But instead of the cure they seek, they find something far more sinister: the truth about their existence and the fate lying in wait of an immortal’s soul.

Now, with Damen fighting to save them from the Shadowland, Ever turns to magick, hoping to break Damen’s curse. Along the way Ever encounters the mysterious Jude, finding herself drawn to him in a way that will test her love for Damen like never before . . .

SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t read the previous two books in this series this review will contain spoilers.
Shadowland continues the story of Ever and Damen right where Blue Moon left off. After completely loving Blue Moon, I figured that this one could only improve on their story. Sadly, I was wrong.
The beginning of the book was so boring I could barely read it. It didn’t seem like anything was happening and when something finally did happen, it didn’t seem to have any impact on the story. Everything was just kind of random and there was a ton of unnecessary stuff that had no real part in the story. It was such a drastic change from the last two books.
Then there was Ever. She really got on my nerves. She was so stupid half the time and pretty annoying for the other half of the time. And really, the only two people she cares about are herself and Damen. All the other people in the book don’t deserve happiness, apparently. Oh and I cannot stand to read any more about how perfect Damen is and how much she wants to sleep with him. It gets old real quick.
Also, there were some new characters introduced but I barely knew anything about them. They were just there but they weren’t important enough to be explained in depth. And the whole thing with Jude was just confusing. Was he good or bad?
Overall, I’m really hoping Dark Flame is better than this one. I think this was probably setting the stage for the next book and that may be why there were so many questions left unanswered. Even though this was pretty bad, I am not giving up on the series. I just recommend checking this one out from the library. =]
Writing: 8/10
Characters: 5/10
Plot: 5/10
Ending: 7/10
Originality: 8/10
Overall: 33/50=D
Cover: 8/10=B-
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  1. I LOL’d at this: “It was such a drastic change from the last two books.”

    No. It’s the same. The first two books were just as bad. The first one not so much, but book 2 was terrible. I will not be reading Shadowland and will probably never read this author ever again. Terrible writing, terrible story.

    I’ll keep reading reviews though. 😉

  2. I thought Evermore was okay, Blue Moon was a lot better for me, but I’m kind of iffy on where the plot line was headed for Shadowland. I still haven’t picked up a copy yet, but I do plan to because there is something about this story that makes you stick to reading it. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. I didn’t mind Evermore, but I quickly got sick of the series. Noel’s writing just wasn’t enough to catch my interest and hold it. I was debating on purchasing this book. I’m one of those people who stick with a series, even if it’s not loved, because I made a commitment to it. I may not buy the books as quickly as I would a series that I love, but I stay committed. However, I think your review shows that this will be a breach in my regular rules. I won’t be continuing the series and it almost seems as if you were being nice by giving it a D.

    Thank you for the honest review.