Waiting On Wednesday: Tagged

Book: Tagged by Mara Purnhagen

Release date: March 1, 2010

Publisher: Harlequin

Kate Morgan is just as confused as the rest of her classmates when she arrives at Cleary High to find six life-size gorillas spray painted on the side of a building. Could the culprit be one of her friends or classmates? And is the kind-of-amazing creation really vandalism, or a work of art? She’s tempted to stay out of it, mostly because, as the police chief’s daughter, she’s always accused of being a snitch. But when gorillas start appearing throughout the state, her investigative instincts kick in.

Now Eli, Kate’s favorite co-worker at the local coffee shop, is MIA. With her best friend, Lan, preoccupied with her own boy troubles, Kate needs to figure out some things on her own. Like why she can’t stop thinking about Eli. And what she will do when all clues about the graffiti point to someone she knows…

My reasons for wanting this book right now:
1-I haven’t read any book about graffiti, ever. I know there are some other books about it but I haven’t read them so this one should be unique for me.
2-The cover for this is really pretty. I love all the colors and the title written in graffiti.
3-It’s a debut novel. I think it might even be on my debut author challenge but if it’s not I will just have to add it. =]

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  1. This one does look like a great book – and I love that it’s the first novel out by the author – and that it’s about graffiti I have not read anything on the subject either! 🙂