Revealers by Amanda Marrone

Book: Revealers by Amanda Marrone

Release date: September 30, 2008

Publisher: Simon Pulse

From: Bookstore

Witchin’ ain’t easy.

Jules has a rebellious streak, a massive crush on Connor, and the abilities of a Revealer witch. By day, she and her coven friends seem like typical high school seniors. By night, they have the power to make werewolves, vampires, and ghosts reveal themselves, so they can destroy them. It’s not exactly cheerleading, but at least the girls know they’re doing the world some good.
One by one, Jules’s friends turn eighteen and are initiated into the coven’s inner circle. And one by one, they are getting completely freaked out. Jules is the youngest, and though her friends are too scared tell her what’s going on, something’s clearly not right. As her birthday approaches, Jules realizes she’s got to find out what’s behind the shadows of her coven before it’s too late to save her friends…and herself. But what she discovers may be too powerful for even the toughest witches to defeat.


Revealers was my first Amanda Marrone book and it left me wanting more. And I don’t say that in a good way. It just wasn’t as good as I expected but I don’t think I will give up on her books just yet.

Revealers is the story of Jules, a revealer witch. Being a revealer witch is all she knows but she wants more. Being initiated into the coven at the age of eighteen isn’t something she is looking forward to and as the day draws near things start to change. Jules knows that she has to put an end to things, but how?

The story was actually very intriguing. It kept me hooked and I finished it in only a couple of hours but I really kept reading hoping that some of my questions would be answered and they weren’t. The ending seemed abrupt and it left me with tons of questions. It left it very open for a sequel but I don’t see one in the plans. It also left me questioning how good a person Jules was but I can’t go into that without spoiling the book. That’s not what I want to be left thinking of a main character.

Also, nothing really seemed to happen until the very end. The whole book led up to this big ending that was pretty anticlimactic for me. The characters were underdeveloped and the plot was just bogus.

Overall, Revealers could have been so much more. It didn’t live up to it’s potential and it was poorly done. I’d recommend checking this one out from the library if you have any interest in it.

Writing: 7/10

Characters: 7/10

Plot: 8/10

Ending: 8/10

Originality: 8/10

Overall: 38/50=C

Cover: 8/10=B-

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  1. Thanks for the honest review :)! Maybe I won’t check this one out… I see that you’re reading Boys, Girls and other hazardous materials. That was my WoW post this past week. I hope you enjoy it and I can’t wait to read your review!


  2. Nice review– I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy this one. I personally loved this one (much more than her first book, Uninvited!), but I can see how it leaves you wanting– to me, that just means she needs to/plans on writing a sequel. But, hey, to each their own. 😀 Thanks for the honest review!


  3. I’ve only ever read one Amanda Marrone book (Uninvited), and I didn’t like it. This one sounds better though, so I might give it a try one day. Cheers for the review.

  4. I admit I had been kind of interested in reading this book but I’ve mainly heard iffy and negative reviews of Marrone’s books. I think I may have to pass on this one. Thanks for the honest review.
