Books for sale!

If you have checked out the blog in the last ten minutes you have seen the new link at the top. I finally decided to sell my books. I have gotten a couple questions about selling in the past and I just kept putting it off. Now I can’t do that anymore. If you are a blogger you have probably heard about BEA. I know I have and I really want to go this year. I have been planning it for a while but some things have come up and now I can’t seem to afford it. I haven’t completely given up hope yet but I need to make some money and I need to make it soon. Any money that I make will be going towards my BEA fund so if you guys see any books you might want to buy, please let me know. Any money I can make right now will be a huge help!

Also, if you are interested in me selling some of my adult books, let me know and I will make a separate spreadsheet for those. I have a ton of James Patterson, Janet Evanovich, Jodi Picoult, and romance novels. I just don’t want to post them if nobody cares about those. =]


PS. Shipping will be paid by the buyer. That means that if you are international it will be more expensive than what I have listed on the spreadsheet but I will ship internationally if you are willing to pay!

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