Albatross by Josie Bloss | Review

Albatross by Josie Bloss | ReviewAlbatross by Josie Bloss
Published by Flux on February 1, 2010
Genres: Contemporary
Pages: 229
Format: Paperback
Source: Publisher
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What's so cool about nice guys?

Everyone at Tess's new school warns her that Micah is bad news—a heartbreaker. But she can't ignore her attraction to this brooding, brilliant, friendless emo hottie who can turn on the charm—or heart-shredding scorn—at a moment's notice. Starting over in a new town after her parents' split isn't easy for Tess, and Micah feels like her first real connection. But what happens when their bond suddenly feels like shackles? And Micah starts to remind Tess of her freakishly controlling father?

With Albatross, Josie Bloss takes her storytelling in a new direction by exploring the dark side of relationships.


I really had no idea what to expect when I started Albatross. I hadn’t read any reviews and the summary didn’t give much away. I kind of liked not knowing what was coming and in the end I really liked the book.

Tess is new in town. After a rough divorce she moves to a new town in Michigan with her mom, one where she knows no one and doesn’t really care. All that changes when she meets Micah. He is unlike anyone Tess has ever known and she is immediately drawn to him. Despite everyone warning her against him, Tess begins to spend more and more of her time with him. Will Tess’ friends warnings prove to be true or will things be different with Tess and Micah?

One of the drawbacks about Ablatross was that it didn’t immediately capture my attention. It was only once I got about 60 pages in that I became interested in the story. The first part was background and it was a little boring. Once I got past that part I enjoyed the book and read it pretty quickly.

Tess wasn’t a very strong heroine through most of the book and it bugged me. I hated how she acted with Micah and how she wasn’t confident in herself at all. She finally grew as a character towards the end of the book and that was when I started to like her, when she got a backbone. And all I will say about Micah is that he was a dick. You will have to read the book to find out why.

Overall, Albatross was a really good book and really unique. It wasn’t a happy book most of the time but it had me smiling at the end. I definitely plan on checking out Josie Bloss’ other books.

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