Alexandra Diaz is the debut author of Of All The Stupid Things which was released on December 22, 2009 from Egmont USA!
KBB: Have you always wanted to be a writer or did you imagine yourself with another profession?
AD: My mother said I was going to be a writer before I even knew what a writer was. I guess that’s what you become when you have an active imagination! As I got older, I couldn’t imagine anything else that I would enjoy doing.
KBB: Why did you decide to write a novel for young adults?
AD: I started writing seriously when I was a teen. They were stories that I wanted to read at that age. As I got older, I still preferred reading teen novels and never “grew out” of writing for that age range.
KBB: What do you consider the best part of being a writer?
AD: I get to create characters, worlds, and situations. It’s a bit like playing God by controlling what happens. Then these characters and situations start making up their own minds and going their own way! But that’s fine as well because then I know I’ve done my job well in making a fictional world believable.
KBB: What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses as a writer?
AD: I would like to believe I’m good at characters and dialogue. At least that’s what I enjoy doing! On the other hand, I get bored with lengthy descriptions so that’s probably why I’m not good at writing them.
KBB: Are you anything at all like your main character, Tara?
AD: In a minimal sense. I like to eat healthy food and I am probably more active than my friends, but nowhere as extreme as Tara is. There are bits of me in every character I write, but Tara is still definitely her own person.
KBB: Did you base any of the characters in your book on people you know?
AD: Not really. Nash is very loosely based on a guy who never called me back and there are elements of Pinkie’s dad that are taken from a father figure I have. Mostly though, they are fictional characters. I doubt even those two people would read the characters’ habits and think I had based the characters on them.
KBB: Can you tell us anything about what you are working on currently? Can we expect more YA novels from you in the future?
AD: I have two YA novels on the go and I don’t know which one will be next! I certainly will continue writing YA, but I will eventually write for other genres in the children’s literature field.
KBB: Just for fun: Is there a young adult book that you would recommend reading? It can be an upcoming release, new release, or even a really old one.
AD: Jaclyn Moriarty’s Year of the Secret Assignment is still one of my favorites even though it came out several years ago.
KBB: I have heard that many people love Year of the Secret Assignment and I really need to read it. I will have to pick up a copy soon. Thanks so much for the interview. Of All The Stupid Things is high on my to-read list. =]
Readers if you would like to know more about Alexandra Diaz and her debut novel, here is the link to her website.
Lovely interview, Katie! I really enjoyed reading it. I loved Alexandra’s answer for question #3. I have yet to read Of All The Stupid Things, but I will definitely be looking out for it! =)