Interview with Leah Cypess!

Leah Cypess is the debut author of Mistwood which is released tomorrow, April 27, 2010, from Greenwillow Books!

KBB:  Why did you decide to write a novel for young adults?

LC:  In this particular case, I didn’t. When I started writing Mistwood, I thought it would be my first “adult” fantasy novel. (Everything I had written until then had been intentionally young adult). It wasn’t until I was finished that I realized I had instead written another young adult book! Which worked out quite nicely for me, as it turned out.

KBB:  Did you always want to be a writer or did you picture yourself doing something else? If so, what was it?

LC:  I always wanted to be a writer. I assumed I would need a day job, which led to my trying both journalism and law. But I couldn’t really picture myself doing either of them, even while I was doing them.

KBB: Was there a particular person who inspired you to become a writer?

LC: I don’t think so… but since I don’t remember actually deciding to be a writer, I can’t say for sure. 🙂

KBB: What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses as a writer?

LC: Tricky question! I think plotting is both my strength and my weakness. A strength because I think  (hope?) my plots are fast-moving and intricate; a weakness because I have a tendency to make them a little too intricate, and often have to spend a lot of time editing out inconsistencies and confusions.

KBB: Do you have a favorite character from your book?

LC: Isabel is the one who resonates with me the most, Rokan is the one I would most enjoy having a conversation with, and Clarisse is the most fun to write.

KBB: Are any of your characters inspired by people you know or did they just come to you?

LC: They just came to me.

KBB: Is there a young adult book that you would recommend reading? It can be a new release, upcoming release, or even a really old one.

LC: I could go on for pages with this one! But for those who like high fantasy (fantasy that takes place in a world not our own), there are two amazing-sounding debut high fantasies coming out this year from my fellow Tenners – Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken and Plain Kate by Erin Bow. Also Jaclyn Dolamore’s Magic Under Glass, which is already out and is a great read.

KBB: Can you tell us anything about what you are currently working on? Are there more YA books in the plans for you?

LC: There will be a companion book to Mistwood… and some other YA books are in the works as well.

KBB: Thanks so much for the interview Leah.  I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of Mistwood.  It sounds like my kind of book.  =]

Readers if you want to know more about Mistwood or Leah you can check out her site which I will link below.


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