She Thief by Daniel Finn

Book:  She Thief by Daniel Finn

Release date:  April 13, 2010

Number of pages:  304

Publisher:  Feiwel And Friends

From:  Publisher


The girl, Baz, and the boy, Demi, are master pickpockets. They weave through rich neighborhoods to slip bags off shoulders and wallets out of pockets before disappearing into the crowd. Their loot goes to Fay, who runs a gang of child thieves from her den in the Barrio. This sweltering slum— in a city that is imagined, but all too real —is what passes for home to the kids, and Fay is what passes for family.

That all changes the day Demi steals a magnificent blue ring. Soon, the police chief and the Barrio’s crime boss close in on Fay, and she begins to break under their pressure.

Baz has never doubted Fay before. She’s never been apart from Demi, either. But soon, Baz is left alone to find her way through a world more corrupt than she’s ever realized. Here, the lives of children are thrown away without a moment’s hesitation. Here, the rich and powerful are just thieves on a larger scale. And somewhere in this wreck of a city, Baz must find the scraps of hope, the small acts of kindness, and the steely strength that will take her back to Demi and wash them both out of the Barrio for good.

I hate writing negative reviews but I have to be honest and I honestly hated She Thief.  There was nothing good about it and I can’t say I recommend it to anyone.
My worst complaint about She Thief is the plot.  I was bored out of my mind for pretty much the whole book.  It picked up some at the end but I still had trouble getting through it.  I hoped it would get better and it did but I still did not like the book.
Also, I was confused.  I honestly could not tell if the book was set in the past, present, or future.  The Barrio was a weird place and it wasn’t like anything I have read about.  I wanted to know the time period but I couldn’t even guess it.  It was odd and it just added to how much I didn’t like the book.
Overall, She Thief was not a good book.  Nothing about it was enjoyable and if you are interested in it at all definitely check it out at your library before spending any money on it.  
First line:  The city’s burning. 
Writing:  3
Characters:  3
Plot:  3
Ending:  2
Originality:  4
Overall:  15=D-
Cover:  3=C-
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  1. I’m sorry that you didn’t like this one 🙁 I wasn’t really interested in it before I read your review. Now I don’t think I’ll even bother with it.