Splendor (The Luxe #4) by Anna Godbersen

Book:  Splendor (The Luxe #4)
Author:  Anna Godbersen
Published:  October 13, 2009 from HarperTeen
My edition/number of pages:  HC/391

Age group:  Young adult
Source:  Publisher
Series?:  Yes.  Final book.

A spring turns into summer, Elizabeth relishes her new role as a young wife, while her sister, Diana, searches for adventure abroad. But when a surprising clue about their father’s death comes to light, the Holland girls wonder at what cost a life of splendor comes.

Carolina Broad, society’s newest darling, fans a flame from her past, oblivious to how it might burn her future. Penelope Schoonmaker is finally Manhattan royaltyโ€”but when a real prince visits the city, she covets a title that comes with a crown. Her husband, Henry, bravely went to war, only to discover that his father’s rule extends well beyond New York’s shores and that fighting for love may prove a losing battle.

In the dramatic conclusion to the bestselling Luxe series, New York’s most dazzling socialites chase dreams, cling to promises, and tempt fate. As society watches what will become of the city’s oldest families and newest fortunes, one question remains: Will its stars fade away or will they shine ever brighter?

Splendor was a great ending to a fabulous series.  I fell in love with this series as soon as I read the first book and I was so glad that the love never faded throughout the four book series.  Historicals are either really good or really boring and the Luxe definitely fell into the first category.

Splendor starts shortly after the ending of Envy and I was able to dive right back into the story.  It didn’t take long to pick up and it was such a quick read.  It was probably the fastest 400 pages I have ever read.  I just had to know how everything would end.  I loved the series because of the characters.  By this book I was just dying for them all to get happy endings and some of them did, but not all.  I actually liked it better that way because it was way more realistic but I am obviously not going to tell you who got the happy endings.  =]

There wasn’t as much action in this book but it was still super entertaining.  There were parties, weddings, murders, and escapes.  I never knew what was going to happen next and some of the characters surprised me.  I loved seeing them change throughout the books and there were a lot of changes in this final book too.  Elizabeth was probably my favorite out of all of them.  She had such bad luck throughout the books but she made the most of it and I loved her.  Of course, I loved everyone else too.  Well except for Penelope.

Overall, Splendor was another great installment in the Luxe series and the perfect ending.  If you haven’t already read it, go out and do that.  It’s spectacular and I can’t wait for Bright Young Things.  I need more from Anna Godbersen now!

First line:  Fifty years ago, every American girl wanted to be a European princess.

Writing:  5

Characters:  4

Plot:  4

Ending:  5

Originality:  5

Overall:  23=A-

Cover:  5=A++ (This one fits perfectly with the rest of the series.)

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  1. Ooh I love this series! I haven’t read this one yet. I’m really glad to hear it ended well. I agree I can’t wait for Bright Young Things! (:

  2. I have yet to read this final book in the series… I loved the rest.

    This is one of those series that I keep forgetting how good it is until I get the energy to read the next book. I know that as soon as I pick this book up I will fall in love once again ๐Ÿ™‚

    So glad you liked the end of a terrific series!



  3. The Luxe is my favorite series EVER! It is so good! I read a sample of Anna Godbersen’s Bright Young Things and I can’t wait for that either! Great plot and so well written!!! ๐Ÿ™‚