Wanted (Pretty Little Liars #8) by Sara Shepard

Book:  Wanted (Pretty Little Liars #8)
Author:  Sara Shepard
Published:  June 8, 2010 from HarperTeen
My edition/number of pages:  HC/272

Age group:  Young adult
Source:  Bookstore
Series?:  Yes.  Final book.

In Rosewood, majestic estates sprawl for acres, and Tiffany toggle bracelets dangle from every girl’s wrist. But not all that glitters is gold, and the town harbors secrets darker than anyone could imagine—like the truth about what really happened the night Alison DiLaurentis went missing. . . .

Back in middle school, Ali plucked Emily, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer from obscurity and turned them into the beautiful, popular girls everyone wanted to be. Ali was the best friend they ever had. But she also made them do terrible things and taunted them with their worst secrets. Now, three years later, all their questions about Ali have finally been answered and they can put this awful chapter of their lives behind them. Or so they think.

Not every story has a happy ending, especially when four pretty little liars have done so many wicked things. In the dramatic conclusion of Sara Shepard’s bestselling Pretty Little Liars series, Emily, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer could get everything they’ve ever wanted—unless A has one more horrifying twist in store.

OMG!  This is seriously one of the most amazing series’ that I have ever read.  When I picked up the first book years ago I had no idea how much I would love them.  I was scared to read the final book because I didn’t think it could end the series in a good way but I was so wrong.  I bought the book and read it in the same day.  I could not put it down at all.

Sara Shepard answered all of my questions.  That was my biggest worry.  I thought that at the end I would be left hanging.  I also worried that it might be predictable but I should have known that that wouldn’t happen.  None of the books in the series are predictable and the last one is the same.  I couldn’t guess what might happen next and there were tons of twists.  Just like all the other books, there was never a dull moment.

I don’t want to give anything about the book away so I am going to end my review.  All I have to say is that if you have read this series so far, you need to read this final book.  Go out and get it.  I don’t know why you haven’t already.  I bought my copy as soon as it hit shelves because I couldn’t possibly wait any longer to figure things out.

Overall, Sara Shepard is awesome and so is her Pretty Little Liars series.  Her new book, The Lying Game, is very high on my wishlist and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.

First line:  They say a picture’s worth a thousand words.

Writing:  5

Characters:  4

Plot:  5

Ending:  4

Originality:  5

Overall:  23=A-

Cover:  4=B- (I didn’t like the color of this cover.)

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  1. Yay! I’m SO glad to hear that all of our questions are answered and that it ending well. I don’t think I can wait any longer for my copy to come in the mail! Great review Katie (:

  2. I haven’t read this series, but with the new tv series, I should give it a try. Glad to know it doesn’t leave any loose ends!

  3. This is definitely my favorite series ever! The review is right on. If you haven’t read these books you must. They are alot better than the tv show. I loved the ending to the book and I can’t wait until the lying game comes out!!!!!!!!!

  4. Just finished the series and this review is exactly right!
    I agree with all the ratings, and this book came as a shock! I thought the mystery was all figured out in book 7, but boy was I wrong!

  5. I loved the book SOOOO much but i haven’t read any of the other books before it so that made everything a shock, and i loved the ending!!! 🙂