City Of Glass (Mortal Instruments #3) by Cassandra Clare

Book:  City Of Glass (Mortal Instruments #3)
Author:  Cassandra Clare
Published:  March 24, 2009 from Margaret K. McElderry
My edition/number of pages:  HC/541

Age group:  Young Adult
Source:  Bookstore
Series?:  Yes.

To save her mother’s life, Clary must travel to the City of Glass, the ancestral home of the Shadowhunters — never mind that entering the city without permission is against the Law, and breaking the Law could mean death. To make things worse, she learns that Jace does not want her there, and Simon has been thrown in prison by the Shadowhunters, who are deeply suspicious of a vampire who can withstand sunlight.

As Clary uncovers more about her family’s past, she finds an ally in mysterious Shadow-hunter Sebastian. With Valentine mustering the full force of his power to destroy all Shadow-hunters forever, their only chance to defeat him is to fight alongside their eternal enemies. But can Downworlders and Shadowhunters put aside their hatred to work together? While Jace realizes exactly how much he’s willing to risk for Clary, can she harness her new found powers to help save the Glass City — whatever the cost?

SPOILERS:  If you haven’t read the first two books in the series, don’t read this review.

City Of Glass was originally supposed to be the end of the Mortal Instruments trilogy and while I would have been happy with the ending, I am so glad there is going to be another book.  I just haven’t gotten enough of everyone.  I honestly don’t know if I will ever get enough of the world that Cassandra Clare has created and the characters that live in it.  I want more and I want it now!

Clary finally knows how to save her mom.  It’s what she has been praying and hoping for over the last weeks.  All she has to do is travel to Idris and find the antidote.  It would be a very easy task if Jace would just let her go.  Even after Jace leaves Clary behind, she finds her own way.  She knows that she can be the only one to save her mother.  What she doesn’t know is that the Clave is meeting in Alicante and war is brewing.  It’s the last place she should be but she’s stuck there and she may be the Shadowhunters’ last hope against Valentine.

City Of Glass was the longest book in the series so far but I had no trouble finishing it the same day I started it.  In fact I was up until three in the morning finishing it.  Try as I might, I could not put it down.  I was drawn into the world of the Shadowhunters and Downworlders and I lost track of time.  The tension between the characters, the battles that were either raging or building, and the mysteries of who everyone really was just drove me to keep reading.  I couldn’t see what was coming or where the book was going and I loved it.  It takes a really spectacular book to keep me up that late when I have to be be up at seven.  =]

Overall, City Of Glass is the best of the Mortal Instruments books so far but I have very high hopes for City Of Fallen Angels.  I don’t want to wait until March of next year but it gives me something to look forward to.  The only problem now is that I have to find a new book to read and it’s going to be hard to find one as good as these.

First line:  The cold snap of the previous week was over; the sun was shining brightly as Clary hurried across Luke’s dusty front yard, the hood of her jacket up to keep her hair from blowing across her face.

Writing:  5

Characters:  5

Plot:  5

Ending:  5

Originality:  5

Overall:  25=A++

Cover:  5=A++

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  1. Didn’t read the review because I’ve only read the first book, but I’m glad to see you loved this. I really hope I will, too. Everyone seems to LOVE these books, but I just reviewed the first one yesterday, and I felt like it was majorly lacking.
    Hopefully the rest will get better for me.

  2. I didn’t really like this one. It was definitely my least favorite of the three. Having said that, though, there were a couple scenes that I loved. The one with Jace and Clary sleeping together was great, and I really liked the final scene. I’m also glad there’s another book, though. I want to know what happens to Simon.

  3. This is a great review–it doesn’t give too much away. I absolutely loved this book and totally agree with you, I can’t get enough of these characters and this world! March seems so far away…but at least with Clockwork Angel it’s *almost* the same..:)

  4. I know what you mean about not being able to put down CoG. This series is so addicting! Great review! And I can’t wait for City of Fallen Angels either.

  5. I’ve been collecting this series but will have to wait until the final book is out in March to start this series. Could not bear to read the first three and then be waiting.