CSN Preferred Blogger!

Lately, there have been a lot of posts about CSN, from giveaways to reviews.  Lots of bloggers have been contacted and I was lucky enough to be one of them.

Last year, I was contacted for the first time from CSN to review a bookcase.  I was ecstatic then and I am just as happy now that I have been asked to be a CSN preferred blogger.  CSN is one of the biggest online collection of stores that I have ever come across.   They have everything from shoes to a vanity.  Mind you, I would love either of those but they don’t really apply to the subject matter of my blog.  Something book related would be best but I don’t have room for another bookcase.  Are you wondering what I have chosen instead?

I chose a hobby table!

Some of you might be wondering what this has to do with books but it actually does fit.  My current project is homemade bookmarks and this is going to be the perfect place for me to sit and work on them.  Once I get it, I will have a lot more room to work with.  I can’t wait.  And don’t worry, there will be giveaways for these bookmarks eventually.  =]

Once again, I just want to mention that if you haven’t already checked out CSN Stores, you should.  I can’t wait to get my hobby table!  Be on the lookout for a review of it very soon. 

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