Everlasting by Angie Frazier

Book:  Everlasting
Author:  Angie Frazier
Published:  June 1, 2010 from Scholastic Press
My edition/number of pages:  ARC/329

Age group:  Young adult
Source:  Contest hosted by author
Series?:  Nope.

Sailing aboard her father’s trade ship is all seventeen-year-old Camille Rowen has ever wanted. But as a girl of society in 1855 San Francisco, her future is set: marry a man she doesn’t love, or condemn herself and her father to poverty.

On her final voyage before the wedding, the stormy arms of the Tasman Sea claim her father, and a terrible family secret is revealed. A secret intertwined with a fabled map, the mother Camille has long believed dead, and an ancient stone that wields a dangerous—and alluring—magic.

The only person Camille can depend on is Oscar, a handsome young sailor whom she is undeniably drawn to. Torn between trusting her instincts and keeping her promises to her father, Camille embarks on a perilous quest into the Australian wilderness to find the enchanted stone. As she and Oscar elude murderous bushrangers and unravel Camille’s father’s lies, they come closer to making the ultimate decision of who—and what—matters most.

Once again, I have just finished a brilliant debut novel.  I’m pretty sure that I haven’t come across a single debut novel that I haven’t absolutely adored and Everlasting didn’t break that streak.  I loved the adventure and mystery in Everlasting and the romance just added to the greatness of the book.

Camille Rowen has always led a privileged life.  Growing up, she didn’t have a mother but she had a father who loved and doted on her.  In his eyes, she could do no wrong.  Things are starting to change though.  Camille is engaged to be married and she only has one final sea voyage with her father before it happens.  She knows that the trip will hold both adventure and sadness.  When it’s over, she won’t want to return to her normal, boring life but she will have to.  At least, that is what she thinks.  All that changes when she finds a mysterious letter from the mother that she thought was dead.  Camille must make a dangerous trip to find her and she isn’t the only one looking for her.  Will Camille make it or will she get there too late?

I don’t know where to start.  Everlasting was a beatiful story but it was more than that.  It was absolutely original and unlike what I expected it to be.  Camille’s voyage was crazy and there never seemed to be a break in the action.  Things would settle down for a couple of pages and then something else would happen.  I was at the edge of my seat the whole book and my nails are bitten down to the cuticles.  It was such a quick book full of action that I never saw coming.

Camille was not your typical heroine.  She was brave but she was also a typical teenage girl.  She was raised in a privileged household and she was a bit selfish in the beginning.  She wasn’t too bad though because her father had always taken her on his trips with him so she didn’t spend her time like regular ladies her own age.  As the book went on it was very easy to see her growth.  She may not have spent a lot of time with the other people of her class but she did care what they thought of her and that changed a bit as she grew up.  Oscar definitely helped speed up her growth.  He was the only person she could rely on to help her and as they got farther along on their journey, their relationship changed.  The romance between them was expected but cute nonetheless.  I would have liked to know more about his past though.  Oh and Ira was hilarious.  Not real mature but still terribly funny.

Overall, Everlasting is an amazing book that teens everywhere will enjoy.  It is one of the best historical books that I have ever read and I plan on recommending it to many of my friends.  I don’t know if there is even the possibility of one but I would love to see a sequel.

First line:  Camille clicked the latches down on her trunk and glanced out her bedroom window.

Writing:  5

Characters:  4

Plot:  5

Ending:  4

Originality:  5

Overall:  23=A-

Cover:  5=A++ (I love it!)

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  1. Hmm… I’m not sure if this would be a book I would like or not. But your review is kind of pulling me into reading it.


  2. I’ve heard nothing but praise from this book and am glad you enjoyed it too. Historical fiction is great, isn’t it? XD Thanks for the review!

  3. I had a hard time getting into this book, but once the action started I couldn’t put it down! It was so suspenseful! Great review!

    This book is part of a series though 🙂