Blog Tour: Interview with Lauren Baratz-Logsted

Lauren Baratz-Logsted is the author of many  young adult books including her newest, The Twin’s Daughter which is available now from Bloomsbury.

KBB:  What inspired you to write The Twin’s Daughter?

LBL:  I love anything to do with twins and I wanted to write a story about a side of the story I’d never seen: that of someone who’s a child of an identical twin.

KBB:  In what ways do you relate to your main character, Lucy?

LBL:  Lucy is passionate about reading, I’m passionate about reading. Lucy, being an only child, lives a very solitary existence; I, being a writer, live a very solitary existence. Lucy has black hair; I had black hair, until I dyed it red.

KBB:  The Twin’s Daughter seems to be more suspenseful than your previous books? In what ways did it change the way you wrote it?

LBL:  I did do one other suspense novel, Vertigo for adults, which was also set in Victorian England. Both books are different than my other books because of the very thing you mention: the suspense. The pacing is so crucial to such books. It’s also different than most of what I’ve done before in that there’s not much humor in it. Even when I’m writing about serious subjects, there are almost always humorous scenes. The only thing in The Twin’s Daughter that I can think of that might be laugh-out-loud humorous would be the camels.

KBB:  The cover is very striking. Did you have any input in it? Do you like the changes they made to the final cover?

LBL:  Bloomsbury went through many covers between first and final version. I was asked for my input at every stage and I absolutely love the final cover. It’s gorgeous and I am very grateful to Bloomsbury for taking so much time and care over it.

KBB:  Can you tell us anything about what you have in the works? Any more YA novels in the future?

LBL:  My next YA novel, due out sometime next year, is called The Middle March. It’s about a contemporary teen who develops a very special relationship with the classic novel Little Women: she literally gets sucked into the story.

KBB:  Just for fun: What is your most embarrassing moment? It can relate to your writing career but it doesn’t have to.

LBL:  Oh, there are so many to choose from! There was one time in college when I was at the campus watering hole and I needed to go to the bathroom. There was a line and once I was inside I discovered the lock didn’t work. I assumed it would be OK but apparently the girl in line behind me had a brain cloud and forgot she needed to wait for someone to exit before she could enter. So she opened the door and there I was sitting on the toilet with all these people staring in. It must have been some brain cloud she was having because after one of the longest moments of my life, I had to finally ask her to please shut the door again.

KBB:  That is a horrible moment. I don’t know what I would have done if that had happened to me. =]

Thanks for the interview, Lauren!

Readers if you want to know more about Lauren find her on the web at the links below.



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    ●▬▬▬๑۩Tina @ Book Couture۩๑▬▬▬●