Book Haul! (99)

Book Haul is a weekly feature here on Katie’s Book Blog.  It is not something I created and I take no credit for it.  Anyone who wants to participate can and you don’t necessarily have to call it a book haul. It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.

For review:

Father Of Lies by Ann Turner
What Happened To Goodbye by Sarah Dessen (!!!)
Where She Went (If I Stay #2) by Gayle Forman (already read and reviewed here)
Overprotected by Jennifer Laurens
The Storm Before Atlanta by Karen Schwabach
Hex: A Witch And Angel Tale by Ramona Wray
Aces Up by Lauren Barnholdt
Invisible Things by Jenny Davidson
Thirst No.3 by Christopher Pike

This week was so amazing.  I came home from a horrible day at work to two packages from Penguin.  Not only did I get What Happened To Goodbye but my very own copy of Where She Went.  My week went from okay to amazing with those packages.  Of course, I am excited to read the rest of my books too but Sarah Dessen is the reason I read so much.  Her books are sacred to me.  =]

What was in your mailbox this week?

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  1. Wow, awesome mailbox this week! Can’t believe you got What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen!! Really excited for your review of that one!! =)