Book Haul is a weekly feature here on Katie’s Book Blog. It is not something I created and I take no credit for it. Anyone who wants to participate can and you don’t necessarily have to call it a book haul. It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.
For review:
by Deb Caletti
–Between Here And Forever
by Elizabeth Scott
–Sometimes It Happens
by Lauren Barnholdt
–The Dark City (Relic Master #1)
by Catherine Fisher
–Instructions For A Broken Heart
by Kim Culbertson
–Percival’s Angel
by Anne Elliot Crompton
by Tammar Stein
–From Bad To Cursed (Bad Girls Don’t Die #2)
by Katie Alender
–Girl Wonder
by Alexa Martin
–Putting Makeup On Dead People
by Jennifer Violi
–Queen Of The Dead (Ghost & The Goth #2)
by Stacey Kade
–The Royal Treatment (Princess For Hire #2)
by Lindsey Leavitt
–Tortall And Other Lands
by Tamora Pierce
–The Hunt Of The Unicorn
by C.C. Humphreys
–The Iron Thorn (The Iron Codex #1)
by Caitlin Kittredge
–Gawain And Lady Green
by Anne Elliot Crompton
–Battle Dress
by Amy Efaw
–When The Stars Go Blue
by Caridad Ferrer
–Wolves, Boys, And Other Things That Might Kill Me
by Kristen Chandler
–Hold Me Closer, Necromancer
by Lish McBride
–I Was Jane Austen’s Best Friend
by Cora Harrison
–Once In A Full Moon
by Ellen Schreiber
by Sara Poole
–Bloody Valentine
by Melissa de la Cruz
Yeah I know. I went seriously overboard this week. I couldn’t help myself. Borders was closing and they still had all these books. Of course I bought them.
New thing though. What do you want me to read next from this list? I will read it and review it this week. Leave it in the comments and whichever gets the most votes wins. =]
What was in your mailbox this week?
WOW! You got a awesome stack of books this week!
How about you read -Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride.
I’ve seen this book in the bookstore all the time and wonder how it is. I haven’t heard much buzz around it.
Have fun reading this week…or month! LOL
Oh girlie you got some good books. I recommend the Iron Thorn. I heard many good things about it.
Awesome books. I absolutely loved Wolves, Boys and Other Things That Might Kill Me. I rank the Voice (oh. yeah. I just put in a capitol V. beat that) up there with You Are So Undead to Me. I’d love to hear your opinion on The Hunt of the Unicorn and The Iron Thorn!
Enjoy the books!
You should read Once in A Full Moon… I’m debating going to see the author next month and I would need to read it before then 🙂
Wow, that’s a lot of great books! So many are on my reading list! Enjoy!
Dude, sometime’s I wonder what it’s like to be you with all those awesome books coming in, in just the space of a week!!
Such an awesome haul!! Enjoy 😉
Wow you really did get some great books this week. I would totally read When the Stars Go Blue First. It was such a great book. Happy Reading!
I love that slideshow widget thing, very cool!
WOW. Awesome books! I vote for Wolves, Boys, And Other Things That Might Kill Me. Purely because I really want to read it myself.
Happy reading.
Oh my! SO many amazing books! I’m dying to read the first three. I vote for the Elizabeth Scott book. 😛
Happy reading and have a great week! 🙂
If I was the type of person who was jealous of another’s bookshelf I think I would admit I’m jealous of yours just by seeing this weeks inbox of books!
Congrats on them all! New Follower!
Please do stop by for some gossip, a crumpet to check out my newest giveaway 🙂
Mad Scientist
Steampunkery & Book Reviews
Wow! Borders is way tempting isn’t it
I am pretty interested in Iron Thorn – let me know how it is.
Hope you will check out my mailbox here
Wow. your mailbox are great. I wonder when will you finish them all.
I hope you enjoy each of them.
In My Mailbox #8
This is an impressive list! How do you have room for them all?!
Hope you enjoy! =)
Wow! I’m with you…I could NOT pass up the Borders Bargains…I’ve been behind on my IMM for about two weeks and have so many books to post…I was hesitant to post so many but seeing your list, maybe I can put mine up too:) No matter how many book sI acquire, I just can’t ever seem to have enough! Is that wrong?