Flawless by Lara Chapman

Book:  Flawless
Author:  Lara Chapman
Release date:  May 10, 2011
Publisher:  Bloomsbury
Pages:  272
Source:  Publisher

Sarah Burke is just about perfect. She’s got killer blue eyes, gorgeous blond hair, and impeccable grades. There’s just one tiny-all right, enormous-flaw: her nose. But even that’s not so bad. Sarah’s got the best best friend and big goals for print journalism fame.

On the first day of senior year, Rock Conway walks into her journalism class and, well, rocks her world. Problem is, her best friend, Kristen, falls for him too. And when Rock and Kristen stand together, it’s like Barbie and Ken come to life. So when Kristen begs Sarah to help her nab Rock, Sarah does the only thing a best friend can do-she agrees. For someone so smart, what was she thinking?

I love a good contemporary book and Flawless is my newest find.  There isn’t much buzz about Flawless yet but I know once people start reading it, there will be.  Flawless is one of the cutest contemporary books that I have read and it will definitely top my list of recommendations.

Sarah Burke is gorgeous except she has one flaw; her huge nose.  Sarah has lived with her nose for 17 years and never once did she desire to change it until she met Rock Conway.  Rock is the perfect guy for Sarah but she knows he will never date her if she has her nose.  Especially not when her gorgeous best friend Kristen goes after him too.  When Kristen asks Sarah to help her get a date with Rock she is too nice to say no.  But when will Sarah realize that sometimes she has to put herself first?  And what if Rock really can see past her nose to how perfect they would be together?

I loved Sarah.  She knew her nose wasn’t attractive but she loved it anyway.  She was unwilling to change that part of herself just to be prettier and get the attention of some guy.  Instead she was true to herself and realized that if someone couldn’t see past her nose they weren’t worthy of her love.  Kristen, on the other hand, I didn’t love so much.  There were times when she was an awesome best friend to Sarah but a lot of the time she seemed very selfish.  The harebrained scheme she came up with to get Rock to like her was kind of comical though.  Rock was a sweet, smart, funny guy but a lot of the time he seemed clueless.  I did still like him though.

Overall, Flawless has its flaws but I definitely loved it all the same.  If you are looking for a cute, fun, quick read, check this one out. I guarantee you will enjoy it!

First line:  I love the first day of school.

Rating:  A

Cover:  A

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  1. I love the Cyrano de Bergerac story after watching the movie in French class in high school, so I know that I have to read “Flawless,” too! I love literary adaptations like this 🙂 Great review!
    – Alyssa of Redhead Heroines

  2. This book sounds great! I like how she accepts her nose at the end which is a major plus to me when a character knows that they have to roll with the punches in the end 😀

    This is definitely a book I’m going to pick up soon and it goes on the Debut Author Challenge! 😀

  3. Who in their right mind loves the first day of school? Maybe I’m alone in dreading that moment when school starts again, but it’s beside the point anyway.

    I picked Flawless up not too long ago and have only heard good things about it. I’ll have to make sure I read it soon. Thanks for the review!

  4. Sarah sounds like a wonderful kick-ass main character! I think the fact that she likes her looks, refuses to change her nose for others, and is okay with herself makes her totally kickass!

    This sounds awesome!

    Lovely review 🙂