Amazing New Covers (Harper Edition)

After seeing these new covers I just had to share! (click the titles to check out the Goodreads page)
Release date: January 3, 2012
Release date:  February 21, 2012
Release date:  April 17, 2012
Release date: January 31, 2012
Release date:  December 8, 2011
Release date:  February 7, 2012
So what do you guys think?  I love them all!
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  1. Holy cow! These are some GORGEOUS covers. I’m especially fond of the Melissa Marr one and The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers. EEP!

  2. I spent a good hour pooring through the Harper catalog today…so excited for MANY of their winter books! The Secret Sisterhood sounds so good and that cover is just gorgeous. I’m excited about Glimmer—even though her first book was just okay for me, this one sounds really amazing!

    Thanks for sharing these!

  3. Oh my goodness, these are so beautiful. I followed your Goodreads links and they all sound so interesting!! Where did you hear about this? Harper sent out a catalog? How do you subscribe to it? *Will go search the website now*

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. SO many purdy covers. I kinda wish they showed her face on Everneath. and I LOVE Secret Sisterhood and Under the Never Sky’s covers. GORGEOUS.

  5. All of these covers are beautiful! It’s hard to choose one favorite but, I do have to say that my absolute favorite is Everneath. I love the flowy dress, the color, and the font. Fantastic post, Katie! =)

  6. Incarnate has a wonderful cover. I love how all the others match the original one and reflect Ana’s change in how the mask is designed.