Forgotten by Cat Patrick | Review

Forgotten by Cat Patrick | ReviewForgotten by Cat Patrick
Published by Little Brown on June 7, 2011
Genres: Fantasy
Pages: 304
Format: Hardcover
Source: Publisher
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Each night at precisely 4:33 am, while sixteen-year-old London Lane is asleep, her memory of that day is erased. In the morning, all she can "remember" are events from her future. London is used to relying on reminder notes and a trusted friend to get through the day, but things get complicated when a new boy at school enters the picture. Luke Henry is not someone you'd easily forget, yet try as she might, London can't find him in her memories of things to come.

When London starts experiencing disturbing flashbacks, or flash-forwards, as the case may be, she realizes it's time to learn about the past she keeps forgetting-before it destroys her future.


Wow! Cat Patrick’s debut novel is even more amazing than I thought it would be. It was not at all what I expected and I was hooked from the very first page. I read the whole book in one sitting and now I am just wondering what Cat Patrick has planned next so I can add it to my wishlist!

London Lane remembers the future but not the past. Every night she must leave herself notes of things she must remember for the next day. Life is not easy for her and it gets even harder when new guy Luke Henry shows up. London starts getting very disturbing memories the day of Luke’s appearance. They all have to do with a funeral but London doesn’t know anything about it. Whose is it? When is it? And why is Luke the only person not in her memories from the future?

Forgotten is such a unique story. I was drawn to it from the summary but even that isn’t a good enough description of what the book really is about. It’s a love story, a psychological drama, a very gripping mystery, and so much more. I think it holds great appeal for readers of all age and genre. =)

London was a great character but I felt horrible for what she had to go through. All the notes and things seemed like so much work but otherwise she wouldn’t remember anything. Seeing her go through the not knowing if she knew someone or already had a certain conversation was sad. She was strong though and luckily she had a pretty great mom and a wonderful guy to help her through things. Her mom actually had a pretty big role which I greatly enjoyed. I would love to see more parents like London’s mom in YA books. And Luke! Oh boy! Don’t even get me started. He was amazing. Their first date…so cute. I couldn’t get enough of him.

Overall, Forgotten is one of my favorite debuts so far this year. I know this one will be going to the top of my list of recommendations!

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  1. Fantastic review, Katie. I’ve already heard great things on this one. It sounds incredibly interesting. I can’t wait to pick it up myself. Thank you! =)

  2. Oohhhh, this one sounds so good! No wonder I keep seeing it pop up on people’s IMM and such.

    I’m definitely going to have to go out and buy this one. Sounds so unique!

    Great review! You got me excited to read it and didn’t post any spoilers. Yay!

  3. I LOVE this author! I love how she has unique scifi concepts but writes about characters like it’s a contemporary.

    Her boys are always good guys, and I like how there’s always a strong family element in her stories.

    Lovely review 🙂