Blog Tour: Character Interview: Kylie Collins (Stealing Bases)

Today I am so lucky (or unlucky depending on her attitude for the day) to have an interview with Kylie Collins from Stealing Bases!

KBB: So since we last saw you in Head Games, have you worked on your attitude issues at all?

KC: Honestly, I was a bit embarrassed by how I treated Taylor. Although she totally deserved it after she hooked up with Zachary. I mean, who does that? Especially with your teammate’s boyfriend. *sighs*

KBB: What are your real feelings for Zachary Murphy?

KC: My real feelings? I don’t think I’ll ever tell ANYONE how I really feel about Zachary. Let’s just say it’s complicated especially since I’m living in his backyard right now.

KBB: What do you think of Missy and Hannah’s new business venture?

KC: It’s pretty impressive to tell you the truth. Hannah’s a little eccentric, but super talented. And Missy’s really into the business aspect.

KBB: How do you feel about your dad’s new lifestyle of yoga and recycling?

KC: It’s definitely a one-eighty from what he used to be like so it takes a little to get used to. And I could do without living in the Murphy’s guest house. Actually, I really miss my mom right now.

KBB: What would your alternative be if you couldn’t go to UCLA for softball?

KC: Alternative? It’s been my dream to play for UCLA since I picked out my first glove. I can’t imagine playing for anyone else.

KBB: These next few questions are just for fun so you can share a little more about yourself. Favorite topping at Pinkberry?

KC: Brownie bites. Yum! 🙂

KBB: Most embarassing moment?

KC: When Zachary cheated on me with Taylor Thomas.

KBB: Secret crush?

KC: Brett Davidson. Double Yum. 🙂

KBB: Well that is it! Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions. 🙂

KC: Thanks so much for having me!

Readers if you would like to find out more about Kylie check out Stealing Bases! You can find more info about the book at Keri Mikulski’s website!

Oh and don’t forget to check out the rest of the blog tour!

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  1. This sounds like a series that’s full of drama!

    Love the baseball aspect 🙂

    The character’s voice is great!