First Line Friday (2)

So since my first ever First Line Friday did so well I am making this a biweekly feature here at Katie’s Book Blog.  =)

Book:  Blood Red Road
Author:  Moira Young
Release date:  June 7, 2011

Lugh got born first.  On Midwinter Day when the sun hangs low in the sky.

Then me.  Two hours later.

That pretty much says it all.

Lugh goes first, always first, an I follow on behind.

Book:  Sharks & Boys
Author:  Kristen Tracy
Release date:  June 28, 2011

Seeing yourself on TV changes you.  It just does.  Even if you only make the local news.  Even if you’re part of an unfocused snippet that leads into the afternoon weather update.  

Book:  Harmonic Feedback
Author:  Tara Kelly
Release date:  May 25, 2010

One in thirty-eight.  Bet on a single number in roulette, and these are the odds of winning.  Getting struck by lightning is a little more difficult–one in seven hundred thousand.  Winning the lottery?  Forget it.

But the odds of me ending up homeless were pretty good.  Moving in with Grandma Horvath was Mom’s worst idea yet.

Book:  Shadowcry
Author:  Jenna Burtenshaw
Release date:  June 21, 2011

At the southern edge of a moonlit city, a woman stood over an open grave.  The blue edge of a tower’s long shadow sliced across the ground beside her feet and the grave yawned like an open throat, its headstone cracked in two, leaving only a broken piece of stone to mark the place where the dead still lay.

Book:  Dead Rules
Author:  Randy Russell
Release date:  June 21, 2011

Jana had the jitters.

It was her first day at her new school and everyone on the bus looked distinctly peculiar.  

So based on these first lines, which book do you think I should read and review next?

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  1. All of them sound pretty good. I’d go with Blood Red Road though. The last book sounds a bit cheesy… Happy reading (:

  2. All of these sound fantastic! I already read Blood Red Road and I loved it. So I definitely choose this one! I can’t wait to hear what you think of it. =D

  3. Something about Blood Red Road caught my attention right away. I think it’s the sardonic character voice in the foreshadowing that hooked me the most.