Series: Wolves of Mercy Falls #3
Published by Scholastic on July 12, 2011
Genres: Paranormal
Pages: 386
Format: ARC
Source: BEA
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When Sam met Grace, he was a wolf and she was a girl. Eventually he found a way to become a boy, and their loved moved from curious distance to the intense closeness of shared lives.now.
That should have been the end of their story. But Grace was not meant to stay human. Now she is the wolf. And the wolves of Mercy Falls are about to be killed in one final, spectacular hunt.forever.
Sam would do anything for Grace. But can one boy and one love really change a hostile, predatory world? The past, the present, and the future are about to collide in one pure moment - a moment of death or life, farewell or forever.
Forever is the perfect ending to the Wolves Of Mercy Falls trilogy. Maggie Stiefvater has earned the title of favorite author and these books have earned the title of favorite trilogy. I give you fair warning: this review is basically me gushing about how amazing it is.
The ending of Linger was a huge cliffhanger. Forever picked up quite some time after that ending and it was interesting to see how things had changed. All the characters had changed so much and while it was sad to see then lose their innocence it was very refreshing to see them grow in such a real way even if the reasons are not so real.
The writing was, as always, absolutely amazing. Maggie Stiefvater is such a lyrical writer. Her books just have to be savored. I pretty much shut myself away so I could read uninterrupted and really take it all in.
I have to say something about the relationship of Sam and Grace: that is the way it is supposed to be! They face so many obstacles but they know that if they have each other they can make it. Sam is sweet, romantic, and he cherishes Grace. And she does not take that for granted. She is always there for him and they truly love each other. That is how I see love and Maggie Stiefvater did it perfectly with Sam and Grace.
Overall, Forever is a bittersweet ending to the Wolves Of Mercy Falls trilogy. I laughed and I cried and I never wanted it to end. I think this book will greatly satisfy fans of the first two books. I can’t wait for whatever is next from Maggie Stiefvater.
I just started Shiver and so I’m almost nervous to read because the moment I start a book I’m that much closer to finishing it. I’ver heard mixed reviews on the ending Forever/the series but I’ll have to see when I get there.
Oh, I love this series so much! Great review!
Awww, brilliant review, Katie! You’ve made me all the more excited to read this one. I loved Shiver and Linger so much but, I’ll be a little sad when I finish reading Forever. Awww! Thanks, Katie :].
Great review! I need to read this one soon! I’ve read the other two, but I haven’t gotten to this one yet.
I have not read the first book, but I hope to read soon.
Thanks for the review!
I’m so sad that the trilogy has ended! I was so nervous to being reading it but I shouldn’t have worried because I loved it! I’m glad you felt the same way too! Thanks for the review! 🙂
I haven’t gotten my copy yet because she is coming here for a signing this week! I can’t wait!
I’m sad that the series has ended but I’m also looking forward to The Scorpio Races.
I haven’t read it because people complained that the ending was ambiguous, that you didn’t know what happened to them.
I’m glad you loved it, and that the romance ended well and the characters just increased their awesomeness!!
Lovely review 🙂