Goals For August!

I decided to do things a little differently this month and set some goals for myself.  Reading goals, that is.  =)

Dark Territory: The Tracks, Book OneMisfitI'll Be There
PopulazziHere Lies Bridget (Harlequin Teen)Chain Reaction
Everblue (Mer Tales)The Adoration of Jenna FoxThe Fox Inheritance (The Jenna Fox Chronicles)
FuryWant to Go Private?Bloodlines
BetweenThis Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor FrankensteinThe Near Witch
Slice of CherryPossessThe Power of Six (Lorien Legacies)
Supernaturally (Paranormalcy)Just Like ThatKnightley Academy
Envy (Empty Coffin)WitchlandersEpic Fail
It is a lot of books but I think I can do it.  What do you guys think?
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  1. Wishing you luck! I hope to put a dent in my reading pile too since school is starting up in September and I won’t have as much time to read.

  2. Very ambitious!!! Perhaps I’ll set a large goal like that for myself! It’ll be quite the accomplishment when you finish it! Knightley Academy is the only one of those that I’ve read. It’s fantastic! I really enjoyed it and it’s a super quick and easy read! Good luck!

  3. That is a big goal! Several of those are on my read list for this month too!
    I hope to crack down and get a lot read this month too, but I doubt it’s that many!!

  4. That’s a lot of books, but I have faith in you 😉 I can’t wait for your reviews on Witchlander, Envy, Fury, Bloodlines, Everblue, The Near Witch, Want to go Private? and… well, every single one of those books really. So good luck!

  5. Epic Fail was hilarious! It was a fun retelling of Pride and Prejudice. I think you’d enjoy it if you go in expecting light and fluffy.

    Awesome goals!!